Use for 200 days is a bad thing? Because that leaves days when it is not used? Right now it sits empty 365 days a year. So we are getting a vast improvement. And the hotel will be active 365 days.

Further, something like this can be a springboard for further development and other uses around the area, much like the Skydome was during its first decade (and that was used far less than 200 times a year).

I love Alex but the whole “bad type of use for an urban neighbourhood“ argument doesn’t make sense. It’s a parking lot right now, and the Ex is hardly an urban neighbourhood, nor will it ever be. It’s an “exhibition“ area, for event centres, sports venues etc. I’m fine with the area being an agglomeration of attractions. Between the TFC, the Argos, the Marlies, various events at the Encare Centre, Hotel X, and whatever happens at Ontario Place, the area will be fine. Also, with RER and the Ontario Line (and existing streetcar service), it’s well connected to the city. Prefect spot for this project IMO.
I’m just glad that it’s so ostentatious that it’s going to completely draw attention away from the mistake by the lake (I’ve always wanted to say that with proper context).

Then again, Hotel X was proposed as a beautiful frosted white glass tower that turned into… well you know. Are we about to get another switcherroo?
I’m just glad that it’s so ostentatious that it’s going to completely draw attention away from the mistake by the lake (I’ve always wanted to say that with proper context).

Then again, Hotel X was proposed as a beautiful frosted white glass tower that turned into… well you know. Are we about to get another switcherroo?

These were my exact thoughts.

I'm not a fan of e-sports, and I can't help but feel like this project is a wasted opportunity for an A+ site, but at least it will divert the eyes from the absolute garbage that is the "Bunker X."

Let's hope they don't go too hard on the value engineering.
The use isn't an issue to me - how it will fit into what will be the landscape vision of the Ex is - and it is for this reason the plan should be scrutinized and modified. The area has to be more than the sum of its' parts (which it hadn't been able to achieve so far, and piecemeal, opportunistic development will cement that).

The design as proposed needs modification - especially in terms of orientation and how it fits with the "whole".

Screen Shot 2021-02-23 at 1.18.37 PM.png

Would be great if they actually built these sidewalks and pulled out the chain link fence on Lake Shore Blvd.

This should be a grand promenade that functions as the spine of this neighbourhood, not a tunnel for car commuters.
View attachment 301445

Would be great if they actually built these sidewalks and pulled out the chain link fence on Lake Shore Blvd.

This should be a grand promenade that functions as the spine of this neighbourhood, not a tunnel for car commuters.

I had originally agreed with @AlvinofDiaspar on the orientation but I'm shifting to the idea that we need to pacify Lake Shore Blvd. Turning a building's back on the street is going to solidify its nature as a highway. Creating a pedestrian environment facing Lake Shore will visually urbanize the street, which tends to make drivers modify their "mode" into an awareness of their surroundings.

A University Avenue like median would help, but it's a chicken or the egg situation and I think that we need to draw people to walking along Lake Shore before the other elements appear necessary to planners.
Looks interesting. I know it's primarily an ESport venue, but it looks like a great multipurpose addition.

I'm curious to see the north side - seems like it'll have a major impact on the CNE's usual layout.
... project is worth close to $500 million ... Overholt said his company had raised $80 million in private investment over the last two years...
I hope this isn't one of those cases of someone announcing they are building something, and neglecting to mention it will only happen if and when someone else gives them the money for it.
You, me, and everyone else can say we're building anything if someone else pays for it.

I hope this isn't one of those cases of someone announcing they are building something, and neglecting to mention it will only happen if and when someone else gives them the money for it.
You, me, and everyone else can say we're building anything if someone else pays for it.
Raising money - I'm assuming investments or investment commitments. Once they get to a certain ratio, they can go for debt for the rest.

It is a weird concept, but given the transportation investments in close proximity, they should be able to either capture a few events that go to the ACC today, or events that don't really have a home in Toronto today in addition to their e-sports.
I'm a big Alex B fan too, but I disagree with him on replacing the Skydome and on this E Sports stadium as well. Genuine question, no snark: what would be a better use of that area in many people's opinion? I've stayed in Hotel X and the view looking over toward BMO is quite depressing currently. Just asphalt parking lots. As someone else mentioned, 200 nights a year is quite a lot for an event space. Throw in BMO, and that's a lot of people coming through. Who knows, if the Jays aren't able to build on the Skydome site, maybe they'd consider that area too if there's space. Would be a real sports/event hub.
Alex B here. Here’s my question: should Exhibition Place be only a place for conventions, meetings and events?

This project would double down on that strategy - with architecture and urban design that makes any other use (or any street life) effectively impossible.

This new stadium and hotel would be linked financially and physically to Hotel X and the convention facilities. All activity will be contained within the buildings – not so much as a restaurant facing onto a street. The public realm here will be miserable, which is bad for EXP and limits the possibilities for Ontario Place.

Is there a way to split the difference? Maybe. But this ain’t it.
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Alex B here. Here’s my question: should Exhibition Place be only a place for conventions, meetings and events?

This project would double down on that strategy - with architecture and urban design that makes any other use (or any street life) effectively impossible.

This new stadium and hotel would be linked financially and physically to Hotel X and the convention facilities. All activity will be contained within the buildings – not so much as a restaurant facing onto a street. The public realm here will be miserable, which is bad for EXP and limits the possibilities for Ontario Place.

is there a way to split the difference? Maybe. But this ain’t it
I think its an issue of nobody wanting to take the first risk of implementing ground floor animation. But imagine just for a second though, a restaurant fronting the street but with a patio facing onto the Stanley Barracks lit up at night. That could be a real special place.

But who is going to take the risk when what exists now is so utter hostile to that idea?

Someone needs to but, until that happens you wont convince people to walk to Ontario Place if what they have to walk through is dead and uninviting 90% of the time.

PS. I'm convinced that the requirements for the Molson Indy and the wide tracks of asphalt required to facilitate it are a major impediment to any sort of humanization.
should Exhibition Place be only a place for conventions, meetings and events?
I agree with you. Exhibition place lacks the diversity in mixed uses it needs to truly thrive as part of the city. This exacerbates that problem. This would be a huge benefit to many other communities, but here it sterilizes rather than animates.
