Has anyone else also noticed that large swats of the yellow insulation was allowed to get weather-beaten over the fall and winter months. We can still see some remnants of whats left to be covered up.
by me

Looks to be around 40 floors give or take now if im not mistaken? Not much longer til the roof element goes up...
That taken from an iPhone!? ^^^.... epic shot indeed... thats such a classy shot you got there grey! It really looks like a film festival tower! I can imagine that shot being in an advertisement poster for the building :) sweet!
Fascinating how far away Casa seems to be from Yonge & Bloor when in reality I have to look almost straight down to see the intersection.
Fascinating how far away Casa seems to be from Yonge & Bloor when in reality I have to look almost straight down to see the intersection.

It's also interesting to see how Casa seems to blend right into the Murano cluster from this angle even though it's also pretty far away!
Festival has some fantastic height going for it now! A real tower we got now! I'm looking forward to seeing this mechanical box and how it will change the architectural look/feel of the building! Right now its pretty much a straight box aside from the podium! :p

Great updates guys! :D
