Three companies put in bids for the contract a couple weeks ago, and I guess they're still in the process of picking one. There's another test wall up a bit north of the York U campus as well, for the white glass proposal
I was in the GM building in NYC this past weekend, which is also clad in white marble. On the exterior, the marble has held up much, much better. Also, the vertical window bands look much better than FCP's horizontally-oriented windows. More importantly, the lobby is amazing - just crisp white marble everywhere, with simple lighting. I honestly felt like I was in a science fiction movie when I walked in. I have always despised the brownish motif of the carpeting in FCP, and the tacky 80s-style chandeliers. The GM building is timeless - nothing at all tacky or contrived (similar, in my opinion, to CCW and TD in Toronto, disregarding CCW's tacked-on security desk, of course).

Funny; the architectural critics' party line back in the day was that the GM Building was the epitome of "tacky and contrived"--not to mention an unforgivably narcissistic urban villain in its relationship to Grand Army Plaza. It was up there with Pan Am, the Madison Square Garden complex and the WTC among the most loathworthy Manhattan landmarks of its time--the kind of thing which gave both modernism and Ed Stone a bad name. (Suffice to say, the TRUMP label suits it now--then again, the Apple store makes the best of an erstwhile bad situation.)
This project is taking it's sweet time. I did this little render 2 weeks ago when I should have been working. I know it wont happen but I'd love to at least see the building get that mess on the roof cleaned up and replaced with a single antenna.






OMG:eek:thats amazing!!! please do submit.

edit: it would be a great edition with the fins
Please submit this to Brookfield immediately. I support this; wonderfully done.

There's no point even if Brookfield was interested. FCP is already roughly 20m over the shadowing bylaw.
Somehow, I agree: the vertical mullions and fins are just the sort to eventually look as "dated" as past Bay/Adelaide schemes look today.

Methinks replacing the marble with some opaque glass type material will do the trick just nicely. (Better that than granite a la 2FCP, yawn.)
while I do like the fins ... this would look like a copy of the Telus Tower ~

nonetheless ... great renderings Andrew3D !!
I'm liking the ideas presented in the rendering... not least because those fins would likely put FCP over the magic 300m mark! Also, I like how the grid pattern becomes purely vertical once we hit the fins. But realistically I wouldnt want to see the original appearance of this tower changed so dramatically. Reclad, not re-design.
