awesome looking building, Pinkie....we should be so lucky....
Having seen ICC up close and personal during its earlier construction phase I agree that it would be a sweet addition. However, the facade is best appreciated without any obstruction and with the slight angles that define the tower. As such, I doubt FCP would look as fine with the same materials.
Whatever they decide I hope it's more than just a blank curtain wall. I hope there's a mix of materials to give the building a dynamic look.
re.cbc news clip

Watching/listening to cbc 'news' is painful.
From that clip you'd think there are no more projects going to happen in this city for a long time -most of the work has dried up,is halted or cancelled altogether. Sounds like they're trying to substansiate there feelings.
The construction outlook in this city is perty-dang-gud compared with(i won't say all but) most cities in the country or even the the U.S. and that's great news. I'm optimistic regarding our high rise projects. No doubt there's anxiety and developers are cautious during this current econ. downturn (not to mention this impending 'spending package'(-history's largest i think)about to happen it the states).Of course there's uncertainty, caution, hesitation...
But of course, here's what the stuffed suits and skirts think feel & believe at cbc -and that's what the Koolaid drinkers are supposed to think..
(I wonder if they've reported on the crazy huge amount of big scale projects we're still constantly watching go up or being proposed?-Trump,across the street from BA!, Four Seasons, York Street,Aura, U Condos, Parkside Village,Miss...)

-I'm actually impressed that FCP is going to reclad at all! -they could probably shore-up and clean-up the deficient marble for a fraction of the cost.
-does federal infrastructure money go to highrise or private developers?
-Bay Adelaide, 60 storeys?

I used to watch SCTV News back in the day, more to the point.

apply this same highschool style of 'news reporting' to their politics...
Watching/listening to cbc 'news' is painful.
I've sent them an e-mail regarding this story. I usually find that newscast quite staid and with good journalistic bones. I was quite surprised to see such an alarmist report with so few details.
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The implication that lack of project cancellations is a sign of resilience in the sector is questionable. Remember the construction and building industry lags the general economy in a downturn. The industry will suffer the most severe years after the recession, not proceeding it. Canceling this project is a prudent business decision to help weather the coming storm, just like trimming the number of jobs in the offices in the building itself.
^Nevertheless, you'd think they would want to fix this as soon as possible. The building is looking pretty trashy.
Also, from what I understand, construction materials are cheaper now.



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I'm curious, wasn't the need for the recladding a result of safety concerns from that slab that crashed to King Street a couple years back? I don't think they can use an economic slowdown as an excuse to delay a safety project.. nor would it make sense to put in stopgap measures today to delay a recladding tomorrow.
Someone in an earlier post mentioned there might be a test panel of the new glass cladding on the building.
I wonder if it's the milky glass you see near the top of the photo.

I noticed today that they're replacing the granite at the base of 2FCP, which leaves its King St face looking bizarrely top-heavy and ungainly with the bottom of the columns naked. (But you can see which columns are "structural" and "non-structural", or something...)
I think the question mark can be taken out of the topic. We know it is being madeover, just not when now.
On Metro Morning this week they are doing a series on re-cladding older Toronto towers to make them more energy efficient, etc. This morning I am fairly sure that I heard them mention a report tomorrow morning on an upcoming overhaul of FCP. Whether or not that would include a re-cladding I do not know. A description of the series is here:
