Is this about Tower Renewal? I can't wait until that gets started!! =D
Real sad looking.



By the time they've finished cleaning, or replacing, or whatever it is they've been doing to the dirty panels over the past few years to gradually make the building look better - it'll be time to start again! When do they do this work - at night?
i always thought it should be BMO blue.. that would be pretty sweet i think..:rolleyes:
A friend of mine who works at Brookfield's NYC office has also inidcated to me that the re-clad will be opaque white glass, which I acutally think will look pretty fantastic. I just hope that the tinted windows are replaced with clearer glass - I have always hated the contrast of white and black in this building.
FCP reclad

first post to the forum: I inquired regarding the reclad efforts for FCP and recieved the eamil below from Brookfield in NYC. [Brookfield Contact information removed for privacy.]

Details are vague but at least something is in the works...
Subject: First Canadian Place

Thanks for your inquiry about First Canadian Place.

Brookfield Properties is in the midst of evaluating various initiatives that would comprise a multi-faceted renovation program at First Canadian Place. No decisions have been made at this time. The program will be announced once these determinations have been finalized and the budget approved by the building’s owners.

Please stay tuned!

Vice President, Investor Relations & Communications

Three World Financial Center
200 Vesey Street
New York, NY 10281-1021
I work at FCP and they had several large actual sized samples of potential recladding in the main lobby several weeks ago. Unfortunately there was no signage associated with the samples the area was just roped off.
They ranged from pinkish to grey but all were significantly darker than the white you see today. This is possibly to lessen the appearance of any future weathering affects.
Thanks for the info, yyzhyd. What was the material used in the samples? Opaque glass? Granite?

I was in the GM building in NYC this past weekend, which is also clad in white marble. On the exterior, the marble has held up much, much better. Also, the vertical window bands look much better than FCP's horizontally-oriented windows. More importantly, the lobby is amazing - just crisp white marble everywhere, with simple lighting. I honestly felt like I was in a science fiction movie when I walked in. I have always despised the brownish motif of the carpeting in FCP, and the tacky 80s-style chandeliers. The GM building is timeless - nothing at all tacky or contrived (similar, in my opinion, to CCW and TD in Toronto, disregarding CCW's tacked-on security desk, of course).
As far as I know, this project is no longer on hold and is going ahead. I believe BH architects is undertaking the job (this may already be known here), although it is not posted on their website, a friend of mine mentioned this to me who is close to the company. I think all of the preliminary work is done, now it is a matter of logistics, material choice and when exactly to start the work. I can imagine that this will be a two year project, maybe a little less if they get they work well through the winter.

