Their 'fountain" or water-feature or ?? on the King Street side seems to be off more than it's on these days. It used to run almost all year and the ice-cascade that happened in winter was great. They do need to tidy up FCP.
Funny; because they just did a complete makeover and freshening-up of the courtyard which said fountain fronts...
For whatever reason, I'm picturing construction workers in white ties and suits.
I was walking past First Canadian Place yesterday and there were three construction worker-type looking guys talking about the plans for re-cladding and I overheard one of the guys saying that they're going to do a test on the bottom three floors or something like that. He was also talking to the other two about which way they would re-clad it (start from bottom and go up or start from top and go down). I didn't hear anything about the material it's being replaced with and I didn't ask but clearly there's some progress happening.

Not great information, just thought I'd share it.
Reliable sources tell that a contract has been awarded to reglad with white glass. :):)

Excellent news! This can't happen soon enough.
If they could address the towers on top of the building that would be a bonus
They could tidy up the antennas up top. I find those take away from the clean lines of the building.
^ I certianly hope so, I've never liked that dark glass. Something a little brighter / reflective would go with the white so much better.
