with the wind as bad as it was yesterday, i can just imagine what it was like 72 stories off the ground.
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HOLY CRAP! ^^^^^^

The wood came from FCP ACROSS THE STREET!.. thats scary.. holy crap!... it blew that far... damn...
Who's going to die... worker or passer by?

For such a high profile job they are off to a terrable start. Something really bad is going to happen at this site if they don't get their act together.
Yes it's easy for you to say it's off to a terrible start when your not the one building a scaffold and elevator up the side of the largest building in Canada during the winter , there was a socket that fell into the foodcourt threw
a skylight that should have been covered btw and then we had the scaffold plank , while the workers on the west side came down for material the wind picked up ( wind meter readings at 60 kmph , gusts at unknown speeds ) on what seemed like a calm morning became anything but that - Yes accidents are preventable , but boss' have deadlines .

P.S saying who's going to die is just sick ,
The east side has gone incident free for 57 floors something you don't see on the news
Thanks for the response Joseph, this obviously isn't as simple a job as some may think. Keep us posted with whatever information you can provide as your able, and keep up the great work there. As you can see, we're following this project with great interest here.
There is no excuse for either one of these accidents. Both were entirely preventable. Would you be telling the same story if somebody was actually hurt by the falling tools or wood planks? I don't think they care at all if the east side is accident free. That should be the expectation. Innocent bystanders shouldn't have to worry about stuff falling from the sky as they go about their day to day activities.

Accidents happen. That's where proper planning and site management comes into play. It's inconceivable that controls weren't thought through to deal with wind or simply tying off tools.

I don't doubt for a second that this is an easy job. But safety should remain a top priority on any site at all times. The workers if anybody should be driving this home. They are at risk too - if not more here. If your boss is making you do things that are unsafe to meet deadlines, you become just as liable as he is if somebody is hurt. No job is worth endagering your or other lives for.

How many of these situations were prevetable??
Joesph, it sounds like you work there, well I was actually part of the bid process of this project, it was made very clear to all bidders of the high extreme winds. We even had to anticipate the once in 50 years worst case of wind. There is no excuse for these accidents, precautions were to be made in anticipation of these sudden wind gusts.

The access portion of this job went to a cheaper USA contractor instead of local contractors, guess they didn't carry enough money in their bid to make it safe.

Let's just all hope that the site has learned that this is not a typical job and special precautions should be in place. Jobs of this height have been completed all around the world with no incidents, so should this one.

Stay Safe Joesph
Scaffolding going up on the east side, work continues on Saturday

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Job Stimulating the American Economy!!???

Joesph, it sounds like you work there, well I was actually part of the bid process of this project, it was made very clear to all bidders of the high extreme winds. We even had to anticipate the once in 50 years worst case of wind. There is no excuse for these accidents, precautions were to be made in anticipation of these sudden wind gusts.

The access portion of this job went to a cheaper USA contractor instead of local contractors, guess they didn't carry enough money in their bid to make it safe.

Let's just all hope that the site has learned that this is not a typical job and special precautions should be in place. Jobs of this height have been completed all around the world with no incidents, so should this one.

Stay Safe Joesph

Get the heck outta here! We are giving work to Obama...? It's the tallest office building in CANADA! What's wrong with this picture? Is the building not 51% owned by the CANADA Pension Plan? What about stimulating the local CANADIAN economy? These Americans need to make safety their main priority if they are going to continue working here in CANADA or perhaps they should work on fixing their own country and economy and stay the hell home.:mad:
Get the heck outta here! We are giving work to Obama...? It's the tallest office building in CANADA! What's wrong with this picture? Is the building not 51% owned by the CANADA Pension Plan? What about stimulating the local CANADIAN economy? These Americans need to make safety their main priority if they are going to continue working here in CANADA or perhaps they should work on fixing their own country and economy and stay the hell home.:mad:

haha! It's not like the Americans are doing it on purpose (Even though they just beat us in Hockey!). :eek:
Get the heck outta here! We are giving work to Obama...? It's the tallest office building in CANADA! What's wrong with this picture? Is the building not 51% owned by the CANADA Pension Plan? What about stimulating the local CANADIAN economy? These Americans need to make safety their main priority if they are going to continue working here in CANADA or perhaps they should work on fixing their own country and economy and stay the hell home.:mad:

you have a terribly narrow view of economics. anyway, progress on this one seems to be picking up.
get the heck outta here! We are giving work to obama...? It's the tallest office building in canada! What's wrong with this picture? Is the building not 51% owned by the canada pension plan? What about stimulating the local canadian economy? These americans need to make safety their main priority if they are going to continue working here in canada or perhaps they should work on fixing their own country and economy and stay the hell home.:mad:


They took our jobs!
