Those cupcakes could have been used as trebuchet projectiles. almost confused it for my chunk of marble - my new most treasured posession (sad eh?). Glad to see some other UTers cashed in on a chunk of history.
I wanted a piece of this so badly! Please tell me someone has an extra piece! Please?
I only took one, I didn't want to be "that guy" :(

I'm surprised Brookfield just gave them away, they must have had so much it cost more to dispose it than give it away. kristopher maybe you can still get a bag (or maybe even a whole slab??) try emailing brookfield and see if they reply with anything.
theres a place on queen street with very interesting gems and stones with a replica t rex scull in the window. they may end up with a piece someday. i cant recall what its called but its on the south side just before "spedina" -sorry for the spelling of that? but ya you cant miss the t rex scull.
UrbanToronto has acquired a number of marble chunks from Brookfield and we will give them to those above who have mentioned they would like a piece. We will devise a way to distribute remaining pieces to those interested soon!

Yeah I for sure would have gone to get one if I had known about the giveaway! I would love to get one if possible!
UrbanToronto has acquired a number of marble chunks from Brookfield and we will give them to those above who have mentioned they would like a piece. We will devise a way to distribute remaining pieces to those interested soon!


I can come pick it up for your offices as I live downtown.
I asked one of the security guards at FCP, and she told me she thinks there's a few pieces left at the building management office, on the concourse level (past Harry Rosen and Rexall). Alas, I was leaving in a hurry so I couldn't go and confirm the info. Does anybody want to venture out and try? I'll only be back on Monday.
You were right Marko.

Here's my latest email exchange:

"I wanted to clarify this is a project we were asked to specify, although it is not a current project of ours. We did a rendering of what our lights would look like on the building (see attached). Personally, I am not sure where the project sits today and if they will be going ahead and lighting up the building and when. I could look into this a bit more if you want." She provided this rendering of what their lighting would look like.



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