though FLY lacks in height when compared to 300, its location is by far outstanding IMO (at least its not next to a transformer)

Still within whiffing distance of sewage and swine.

I'd prefer to live at 300 Front, but I agree that the transformer station definitely won't provide very nice views if you're in the lower floors of the podium. Hopefully they'll bury it some day, or allow someone to build above/around it like that building in NYC.
I'd prefer to live at 300 Front, but I agree that the transformer station definitely won't provide very nice views if you're in the lower floors of the podium.

All the units in the podium will be south-facing. The north side (facing toward the transformer station) will be a blank wall.
All the units in the podium will be south-facing. The north side (facing toward the transformer station) will be a blank wall.
That's good.

Maybe the future building directly west of Fly should have a similar blank wall so residents won't have to look at those ugly balconies.
That's good.

Maybe the future building directly west of Fly should have a similar blank wall so residents won't have to look at those ugly balconies.

/\ I'm sorry but I still don't understand what is so egregious about those balconies. Where's Cal when you need him?!
I think they look fine too -- although if my fly was in that condition I would put on a different pair of pants.
It still reminds me of British teeth.

That, plus it looks like it was created by the set designers for Total Recall for some reason.

Edit: I really shouldn't complain. At least we're not getting this:

It still reminds me of British teeth.

That, plus it looks like it was created by the set designers for Total Recall for some reason.

Edit: I really shouldn't complain. At least we're not getting this:


Yeah Baby!


  • 3000-austin-powers[1].jpg
    16.8 KB · Views: 529
And this is a problem?...

Now that you mention it,


It's like the architect started with an awesome glass shard tower as a doodle on a napkin and decided, "there's no way in hell the developer will pay for this, it's too awesome" and voluntarily cheapened it. Could this be the first documented case of pre-cheapening?
Rezoning application submitted

Rezoning application (#08 188717) submitted on July 31, 2008 for 352 Front Street West site to permit a new mixed-use development containing 396 residential units on the site, no height was listed

Stay tuned ... drawings showing the proposal will likely come with the Preliminary Planning Staff Report in the September or October Toronto Community Council agenda
Heard a radio ad for this one recently.

It's a jingle very much like Celine Dion's "You and I were meant to fly" that Air Canada made their own.

Funny how the only thing I ever thought of with regards to this building was Jeff Goldblum in The Fly.
