If there was a minimum height requirement, this might still be a parking lot for the next few years.
It's really an argument for a minimum height along major streets. A one-storey building, apparently without even a basement, at the corner of two arterials in a developing area? :(

Couldn't agree more. It's almost as absurd as that Scotiabank that went up just west of Yonge on the south side of Bloor a few years back. I thought it had to be temporary while the real building was being designed. Apparently, they were quite serious; the Scotiabank branch remains a 1-2 floor building.
The beautiful thing about one story buildings is that when a real development comes along, they'll be easy to knock down.
Forget it, this is clearly a lack of foresight - the city should never have allowed this kind of low-density at this intersection. IF its not a condo, the city doesn't know what to do with it.

Really a big waste of very decent site and instead we end up with an LCBO - I would have at least thought that given their sensitive and progressive approach to the site at Summerhill, they (LCBO) would have had a mind about them to push for a taller building with more amenities - buying synergies anyone? A f--k it!

Aug 7




Loading dock is on the right hand side
Forget it, this is clearly a lack of foresight - the city should never have allowed this kind of low-density at this intersection. IF its not a condo, the city doesn't know what to do with it.

Really a big waste of very decent site and instead we end up with an LCBO - I would have at least thought that given their sensitive and progressive approach to the site at Summerhill, they (LCBO) would have had a mind about them to push for a taller building with more amenities - buying synergies anyone? A f--k it!


The area is getting dense with tall buildings already, a small building will look better. I never thought I'd hear someone complain that there's not enough high rises downtown.
I don't think p5 was suggesting a 40 storey building. Something more along the lines of a 15 storey building (or whatever height the pink buiding to the east is) with an LCBO occupying the ground floor, 4-5 floors of offices above and residential units above. The materials, massing and setbacks would be similar to the Hudson and the building to the south where Winners is. The east wall will match the 4-5 storey building and step up towards the NW corner of the site

I may not be describing exactly what I have in my head for this site, but a 1-storey clone of most new LCBO's out there is not what we should be building here. The good thing is that it will have a short life span and the typical LCBO box is actually a good interim building to have for a few years in terms of building construction costs instead of a parking lot. The store will bring more people to this intersection (not that there isn't a lot already) and animate the streets.
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I agree this is an oddly suburban building to be plunked into this location. It's just a prefab box, really. But at least it doesn't come with a suburban parking lot, and I'm glad this site is being developed now instead of remaining vacant until the Great Recession ends. Also, it provides one more missing amenity to the area for those who already live nearby in the dense condo highrises.
I don't think p5 was suggesting a 40 storey building. Something more along the lines of a 15 storey building (or whatever height the pink buiding to the east is) with an LCBO occupying the ground floor, 4-5 floors of offices above and residential units above.

We can dream about what is ideally suited for this corner however, the options come down to either a parking lot or a one storey retail building. I'm of the opinion that anything is better than a parking lot.
As much as this may not be the best use for this particular space, I'm still excited that my neighbourhood's finally going to be getting an LCBO. Hopefully it'll be better than the LCBO on Spadina near Baldwin.
I havent really been following this thread at all... because I knew it wasnt going to be anything exciting except for people that lived in the area and wanted to have a closer LCBO location. I drove by this last week for the first time and it hit me what a waste of a prime lot this is. Is the land actually being leased or does LCBO own it? If they did own it surely a mixed use development where different tentants would share the cost of the land would make more sense. I think a minimum of 6 storeys here makes sense. Sorry to just repeat what many others are saying... but this really makes me shake my head.
Thanks for the photo update. This building is so temporary. Definitely a much better use than a parking lot.
