I think the land should have instead become a flagship LCBO store with offices or people on top...
I think what's most disappointing is the transition from the building just east. The huge drop in height from property to property will overwhelm any sense of architecture on the site. It also disrupts that prime billboard wall. I guess the only plus is that since they haven't done huge excavations it will be easy to replace.

Definetly a let down for King West.
Hardly a letdown for King West. A Vintages and LCBO where a parking lot used to be. We'll take it. The time will come for a tower on this site. Until then, it is just fine.

The coming addition of a new secret high end grocery beside Brant House, even better for King West. The elements of a neighbourhood are coming together.
Hardly a letdown for King West. A Vintages and LCBO where a parking lot used to be. We'll take it. The time will come for a tower on this site. Until then, it is just fine.

The coming addition of a new secret high end grocery beside Brant House, even better for King West. The elements of a neighbourhood are coming together.

that's the first I hear about this.....any other info you'd like to share??
that's the first I hear about this.....any other info you'd like to share??

The only space available beside Brant House is the PizzaPizza building, from my understanding Great Gulf Homes is the owner of the site. That would be an excellent addition, that corner is horrible and King West really needs a grocery store with all the upcoming condo buildings
The space is where the old hide house used to be, east of the Pizza Pizza.

I am still waiting to hear which retailer picked this up, possibilities:
- "cheese boutique" type grocery, new retailer (likely)
- new concept mini-loblaws
- mcewan specialty grocery

It will be a gourmet mini grocery like pusateri's/fresh and wild. I was told the name of the brand but its not one I've heard of before.
Well whatever ends up there, it will be needed in the area.

a little off topic, but there are no 24hr places anywhere in that area, are there?
Needed though it may be, I hate that these urban grocery stores have a 25-50% markup (depending on which one) on nearly everything.
a little off topic, but there are no 24hr places anywhere in that area, are there?

For groceries, Rabba at Front & Peter is 24 hours. Reggies, the sandwich place besides Craft Burger, is 24 hours. Sobey's at CityPlace is open until 11pm. Shoppers is open until midnight. Both of them frustrate me when I see other stores of theirs out in the boonies open 24 hours.

What I really want is a fairly large convenience store like 7-11 or Macs in the area.
For groceries, Rabba at Front & Peter is 24 hours. Reggies, the sandwich place besides Craft Burger, is 24 hours. Sobey's at CityPlace is open until 11pm. Shoppers is open until midnight. Both of them frustrate me when I see other stores of theirs out in the boonies open 24 hours.

What I really want is a fairly large convenience store like 7-11 or Macs in the area.

Thats one thing I miss about living in the burbs. Shoppers, Wendys, Tim Hortons, McDonalds etc. were either 24 hours or open late. Everything downtown pretty much closes at 10.
Thats one thing I miss about living in the burbs. Shoppers, Wendys, Tim Hortons, McDonalds etc. were either 24 hours or open late. Everything downtown pretty much closes at 10.

Well, I believe the McD's at Queen & Spadina and the Timmy's at King & John are open 24 hours.

The selection of which Sobeys and Shopper's that are open even in downtown Toronto puzzle me. Seems to me that the Cityplace Sobey's and King & Peter Shopper's are naturals for 24 hour operations. Maybe the powers that be will change that once even more condos go up.
I was wondering about something like a Rabba or similar. Right now I'm at Bloor & Spadina, so I have the 7-11 and Metro open 24 right by me, but am moving to Spadina and King and couldn't think of anything like that in the area.
The area is getting dense with tall buildings already, a small building will look better. I never thought I'd hear someone complain that there's not enough high rises downtown.

I agree. One would think people would want to see less tall buildings.

I love NYC but I don't want Toronto to become it. I never felt so small in my life walking around NYC with so many tall buildings around me and with so many blocking the sun.

I live in Liberty Village and although I don't have a problem with Liberty Towers and Bliss going up, I would much much rather see a row of victorian houses or even more stacked townhomes (like the ones I live in) all along the south side of East Liberty.
