if there was a store selling beer on every corner the price would come down - assuming it's not the same chain monopolizing an industry sector (i.e. Shoppers). YK.

When you put highlighly regulated industries (with a lot of taxes) on every corner you don't usually see the price drop. Ok, the comparison to gas is a bit of a stretch but the LBCO still has more incentive than private retailers to pass on savings from economies of scale to the consumers. Having lived in BC where the BCLC competes with private retailers I can confirm the lower prices at the BCLC for similar products. Also, the LCBO is cheaper still.

A 3-storey LCBO sounds great for this location.

Found on Adam Vaughan's flickr account.
It's LCBO's standard, freehold, single-storey building that is put up in the country, suburbs, and increasingly in central urban areas. A bit of a tweak though with 'Vintages' section.
I notice that there are not surrounding buildings in the rendering for context. I guess that would have been too embarrasing.
Rats... looks like the standard LCBO they put up everywhere, sans parking.

Apparently they did have a three-storey proposal, but it was rejected by their insurance company. For all I know, it was a three-storey tall version of this thing, so maybe it's a good thing it's only one floor.
Crap. At least with the attached Vintages good wine will be had.

On the three story design were the additional floors made out of construction paper and pipe cleaners? I wonder why the insurance company wouldn't cover it. :mad:

I just hope that a good store manager is there so that there's better beer stock than the crappy usual suspects. Otherwise I'm going to bug the crap out of him/her. :p
The Square One location is like this store. It's their new store format, which has way more selection than your average LCBO.
I was going to say, it's like the blandness of MCC has been dropped right at one of the city's most urban intersections. They really don't give a rat's ass about their surroundings.
it's wierd seeing construction but no big hole before it.
What no underground parking?? What a waste of a building location, just the revenue from parking at night during night hours would pay for the underground parking.
It's really an argument for a minimum height along major streets. A one-storey building, apparently without even a basement, at the corner of two arterials in a developing area? :(
