Excellent progress on this tower! ^^^

I see another piece of cladding has been installed!

From the looks of it, the glass looks colourless and extremely transparent! The tower might just disappear within its surroundings!
Four Seasons continues to move pretty quickly now

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

from Taller, Better at SSC


In Taller's photo you can see how sharp the cladding is here. It's got and almost seamless reflective look to it, something very highclass. Can't wait to see more of it go up. This may well be the best cladding of any of the recent mega towers that have gone up in Toronto during the current boom. I can't say that for sure right now, but from what I've seen so far it looks far better than the Ritz's cladding, and that is some nice cladding. So this thing is gonna shine.
Tomorrow i'll bring my cam down here

Can you say the best glass ever?

I'm gonna spend even more time in Yorkville now, just drooling all over this glass.



cellphone pics from my crumby phone will have to do for now...
there is a touch of very light green at the top of the cladding (you can see in Taller's picture).... but the silver blue reflective "glass" totally dominates from all angles. This building will be the new place of worship for all skyscraper geeks..

Like me!


I'll do a video cam update tomorrow, then you can see for yourself how it is.
I see reflective glass like this and I think Bay 1001. I thought that when I was by there on Monday and again with the photo above. My bad.
by me





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I am trying to picture how a whole building covered in this cladding is going to be interesting....and I can't.
another shot



and video


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Wow, that's not cheap. I'm really surprised they went with shadow boxes instead of spandrels. Should have an interesting effect if they carry it all the way up. The little flyby is a nice touch as well, but I wonder what happened to those vertical bands the renders showed.
I'm getting a little concerned that maybe the glass is a bit too reflective and not very transparent. I haven't been to the site since the glass started going up. Can anyone say if you can also easily see through the glass in real life as apposed to pictures?
