This is coming to Executive this week:
Davenport Diamond Grade Separation
The Davenport Diamond Grade Separation project, also referred to as the Davenport Diamond Guideway project, is being constructed to eliminate at-grade rail crossings by providing an elevated two-track guideway between Bloor Street West and Davenport Road on the Barrie rail corridor. Coming into operation in April 2023, the elevated rail corridor is now carrying trains above the Canadian Pacific (CP) Railway’s freight tracks(north of Dupont Street) and vehicular, pedestrian and cycling traffic.
Since April 2020, Graham Commuter Rail Solutions (GCRS) has been delivering the project scope, which includes:• Eliminating the existing at-grade crossing between the CP Railway and the Barrie rail corridor north of Dupont Street by adding a new rail bridge over the CP Rail tracks;• Creating a new pedestrian underpass at Paton Road; and,• Rehabilitating the Dupont rail bridge as public realm and widening the existing rail bridge at Bloor Street West. Throughout 2022, GCRS made substantial progress installing the concrete guideway,29 sets of piers, precast concrete walls, foundations for Overhead Catenary System(OCS) poles, and foundations for the sound wall. Precast bridge girders were also put in place in late March 2022 to support a new bridge parallel to the existing rail bridge at Bloor Street West, to support the new track. The new bridge, which has a greater clearance over Bloor Street West, was completed in spring 2023. The project reached substantial completion in Q3 2023 and is estimated to be closed out by January 2024.
Davenport Diamond Public Realm Project
The Davenport Diamond Public Realm project, also known as the Greenway, will utilize the newly created space underneath the Davenport Diamond Guideway, transitioning it from the former Barrie rail corridor bridge into public realm. This space will provide a fully accessible multi-use trail from Bloor Street to Davenport Road and create eight key greenway connection points. The Greenway’s design and public features will be integrated within the Davenport Diamond Guideway project.
In November 2022, Metrolinx hosted a Virtual Open House to provide an update on the progress being made on the Greenway project. The open house focused on detailed design developments, new and updated drawings of the public realm, landscaping and plantings and proposed connection points. Participants were particularly concerned about access and connections to the Greenway, graffiti prevention plans, as well as Metrolinx’s decision to cancel the public art program and mural project. The Greenway is planned to tender in fall 2023, and construction is anticipated to begin in summer 2024, with substantial completion in May 2026.In spring 2023, City staff secured the delivery of the Dog Off-Leash Area (DOLA) from Metrolinx. City staff are working with Metrolinx to finalize a license agreement, allowing the City to operate and maintain the DOLA. Substantial completion of the DOLA is anticipated for June 2025