I always thought the height restriction for that site was a bit ridiculous. It will cast a line of shadow on NPS for a couple of hours a day but so what..? :confused:
@ AoD: Exactly; this design is not remotely offensive. We could be way worse off.
With everything going on, i guess we are spoiled ..most North American cities would drool over a proposal like this, but here in Toronto its too "short and ugly" Yeah i dont get it.:confused: we here in Toronto are so lucky to still be enjoying a construction boom.:).

Well said bro, ...I think this tower looks smashing? All these critics??? Makes me wonder if they all vacation in Dubai??...Live in a video game fantasy world of 1500 foot towers.

If this was being built in Montreal, they would be somersulting, (I have no idea how to spell that). Most of you would like it, if it were built in Montreal and say..."why cant Toronto build this?"
I/d be curious to see what these critics want built? Post a pic of what,s been built in N.A. the last 10 years that would be so much better. You cant do it, .....plus everything that;s been built the last ten years has been in Toronto.
Chicago has a couple cool towers, but all their biggest ones got cancelled.
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^Not counting spelling and grammar errors, there are at least 3 factual errors with that post.


This building isn't exciting, but then again, this site is cursed and it really is a non-address in the ass end of the financial district. Temperance and Sheppard? You can't expect that a developer will hire Norman Foster to design the next supertall here.

I’m sorry I never knew I was in English class, I guess people like you need to correct everyone to make yourself feel superior to some degree.
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^Hey, buddy, if you're going to write an angry post about this city's architecture and put yourself in a position of authority, you might at least want to check your facts: the TD centre (at least the main buidlings) was built in 1967, not in the late 1980s. This is actually pretty common knowledge among the people who post on this forum. Not to be a dick, or anything, but telling the city what kind of buildings they should build and not knowing when the TD centre was built is kind of like trying to be a critic of rock music and not knowing who the Beatles are.
What I find annoying is that every time somebody does not like a particular design, they drag in New York's Tower Verre:


even though it has been indefinitely delayed and will probably never be built. It had also faced major opposition due to shadowing issues, so that is not a Toronto-only problem.

But the bottom line is that Toronto's boom is far and beyond ANY other North American city, other than Panama City which it narrowly beats out in numbers. It has as many buildings over 100m under construction right now (41) as the entire USA, according to SSP. If Mississauga is added, it is ahead, 47 to 41. (This also means that Canada is ahead of the USA in 100m and over buildings under construction, 61 to 41.)
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^Hey, buddy, if you're going to write an angry post about this city's architecture and put yourself in a position of authority, you might at least want to check your facts: the TD centre (at least the main buidlings) was built in 1967, not in the late 1980s. This is actually pretty common knowledge among the people who post on this forum. Not to be a dick, or anything, but telling the city what kind of buildings they should build and not knowing when the TD centre was built is kind of like trying to be a critic of rock music and not knowing who the Beatles are.

Some of the younger folks on this site might be thinking BCE1, which now has a TD sign on it's spire, when refering to the TD building. Honest mistake for someone under the age of 15.
^Hey, buddy, if you're going to write an angry post about this city's architecture and put yourself in a position of authority, you might at least want to check your facts: the TD centre (at least the main buidlings) was built in 1967, not in the late 1980s. This is actually pretty common knowledge among the people who post on this forum. Not to be a dick, or anything, but telling the city what kind of buildings they should build and not knowing when the TD centre was built is kind of like trying to be a critic of rock music and not knowing who the Beatles are.

I’m talking about Brookfield Place and Scotia Plaza. And I'm not angry I'm stating my opinion. If Toronto ever wants to get on the world map they need stop building towers like the ones in the Southcore Financial District, or the ocean blue massing that seem to go with every new condo proposal.

Its simply boaring

As for that "spoil argument".......... why must we compare ourselves to Montreal a city that has been going downhill since the late 60's..Like I said again Chicago and New York are the cities we should be looking at.
If Toronto wants to be a world class city it needs a few more 75+ story building imho...

If it wants to hang with the big boyz it should start building like them.

Dont get me wrong Toronto is coming along great and in 20 years im sure it will look great but it has so much untapped potential at this momment it makes me cringe.
Your right TORONTO is growing at an alarming rate but when should quality override quantity. I love my city dearly but there's been a lot missed opportunities in recent years. This one being another example
Some of the younger folks on this site might be thinking BCE1, which now has a TD sign on it's spire, when refering to the TD building. Honest mistake for someone under the age of 15.
I'm not 15 far from it, but an honest mistake it was
oh man, someone shoot me now... the tone of discussion has really taken a dive on the P&C forum! there really should be a policy for new members to be over age 18.

The obsession with height on this forum is comical sometimes. Sorry folks, the real world isn't like Blade Runner, and for good reason. Chicago and New York have height and shadowing limits too. Besides, why should they be the cities we take after? Why not Paris or Madrid? Tokyo or Rio? Those cities have just as much merit as examples. The reality is that heights are limited in certain areas, even downtown. Spending time in the square gets a whole lot less pleasant when it's in shadow, even for "a couple of hours a day".

If Toronto wants to be a world class city it needs a few more 75+ story building imho...

If it wants to hang with the big boyz it should start building like them.
How many 75 storey buildings does Tokyo have? London? Buenos Aires? Moscow?

Its simply boaring
What do wild pigs have to do with this?
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"What do wild pigs have to do with this?" LOL

Well from my end I'm all for height limits depending on the area. I just don't see the point of such a restriction in the thick of the FD. A sliver of shadow on a section of the square for part of the day is not a big concern imho.
