The name Skyscraper was still available in May 2011?...weird. Thanks for the first post Skyscraper... I don't know how fast it'll grow considering its varying floorplans, but I agree it should look good.

I should change my screename to Skyscrapper and start an MMA Event on the new CN Tower 'walk' attraction!
This is one is getting interesting. I love how it has taken shape over the past few months. I wish (forget the username) whoever took those high-angle pictures from the southeast was keeping us updated with photos.

It is now very visible when driving by on the Gardiner.

This has become my favorite and most anticipated project in the city.

Thanks for the pic Andrew.

3 dudes sitting atop l tower FTW! like a boss!

nice photo android... and yes, this thing is shooting up like a weed! interestingly enough, in theory, each floor should take a bit longer due to the slant going outwards. i wonder what the difference is per floor, i know it is very very slight, but still... what do ya think? 20 minutes longer per floor? of course when you get way higher up, it should be more noticeable. hehe.
Exciting to think that, as tall as the Four Seasons tower is today, this one will be taller!

from the SSP Ten Tallest List:

7. L Tower (Toronto): 205m / 673ft
8. Four Seasons (Toronto): 204m / 669ft

If this pic didnt load then I am sorry. One of these days I will figure it out. If it did..Hurrah! LOL

This is the west side of mechanical podium for the Sony Centre. The design patern is supposed to eventually integrate with the L Tower. Not quite the wild and crazy intricate mosaic that was promised with the showroom model.
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