While that quibble was valid, a tower was going to go up no matter what, and they could have done far, far worse than the current design.

Additionally, I suspect that anyone who opposes Rob Ford is a "political wacko" to AG.
Even though I have misgivings about The Crystal I'm looking forward to seeing this one rise. It does, as people say, at least look like architecture, rather than a firm just phoning it in.
Top photo was taken on August 15th. Bottom photo was taken on September 10th.

Even though I have misgivings about The Crystal I'm looking forward to seeing this one rise. It does, as people say, at least look like architecture, rather than a firm just phoning it in.

Every once in a very rare while someone makes a statement that hits the centre of the bullseye.
great pics cruzin4u! Hopefully things will speed up a bit, maybe after they clear the Sony Centre roof? I guess good things take time.....
great pics cruzin4u! Hopefully things will speed up a bit, maybe after they clear the Sony Centre roof? I guess good things take time.....

Oh yeah, as the pictures show great progress at 3 weeks per floor and there are ~50 floors left.. so the building will be completed in 2014 !
nice photo ^^^, as of now, the tower itself looks very promising (just like the renders), though i have a feeling the cladding will be a huge product of dispute... spandrel paradise.
Making of the 10th floor

Construction is very slow, so I thought to speed it up a little: two weeks (September 8 - 24) compressed into 6 minutes ...


Music by Jesse Cook.

VERY cool, Udo...I guess you've somehow got access to a great vantage point AND a big hard drive for the video clips... ;)
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