Somewhere in my roller-coaster enthusiast heart, I think I was hoping for a few more straightforward inversions here and there. But - that's not much to cry over considering the huge leap forward this is for coastering at Wonderland.
I do hope the shallow trench in the video turns out to be deeper (height record!) than shown, and even possibly a tunnel. Who knows? Maybe they're keeping a few minor secrets - either to dissuade competition - or to really delight fans upon opening.

It's looks like really impressive addition to the park.

Now, repeating myself - I have to say, I'm hankerin' for a new giant wood coaster. If we could get something like El Toro here, I'll be blissfully fulfilled.
^^^^YES YES El Toro please! Probably the best coaster I've ever ridden, and I've ridden almost all coasters at the six flags parks. (X2 at Magic Mountain a solid second)
can someone change the title from 92MPH to 148Km/h?

Actually the Toronto Star's description of a giga was pretty horrible because they converted 300 ft to metric.

The $28 million Leviathan will be Wonderland’s only giga-coaster, a term used to describe rides more than 91.4 metres tall, and the park’s 16th in total.


Random converting like that really makes the definition of a giga sound rather random.
2 X2's, together at last. Now, that would be interesting.

So who else thinks that it ends rather abruptly? Considering that the brake run is higher than Dragon Fire and the train is already probably going 80 km/hr at the top, you'd have thought that they'd have added a few more bunny hills or turns before ending.
I'm disappointed, this ride seems rather boring to me. Tall drop indeed, but the rest just seems like fodder IMO.
I'm not, you can't have everything in a single ride. This one gives us height and speed, the Behemoth gives us air time and maybe the next one will give us inversions. But it doesn't surprise me that some people will be disappointed - you can't make everyone happy with just one ride.
I'm lucky in a sense that I've only been to Wonderland, Disney World, and Universal Studios so Leviathan will blow away any coaster experience I've had. And as far as those 400' coasters go, they look like a completely different dynamic (launched, up a hill, back down and that's it), so I can see Leviathan still being pretty exciting even if you've tried everything else.

I'm no coaster expert though, I mean I thought Behemoth was pretty intense.
i still think behemoth is intense..... the air time on that is "wow" amazing... even after going to cedar point, riding all the rides i say behemoth for its height is very, very special and impresive... im hoping that leviathan can live up to that but i wont get my hopes up to high because id hate to be dissapointed...... im so excited.... ;)
I'm lucky in a sense that I've only been to Wonderland, Disney World, and Universal Studios so Leviathan will blow away any coaster experience I've had. And as far as those 400' coasters go, they look like a completely different dynamic (launched, up a hill, back down and that's it), so I can see Leviathan still being pretty exciting even if you've tried everything else.

I am with you on that. When you look at the top record holders, the 400ft coasters are typically 'strata coasters' (Top Thrill Dragster, Kingdom Ka) and not a 'hyper/giga coaster'. Both Steel Dragon 2000 in Japan and Millenium Force at Cedar Point are slightly higher than Leviathan (just about a few feet). So, we are getting an incredible ride with Leviathan. Behemoth was a blast, so I can't wait for 2012 to test this bad boy out!
^^ But still, Leviathan has a longer drop than both MF and Steel Dragon. MF's drop is 300 feet, SD is 306 feet and Leviathan is at the very least 306 feet since it dips down into the parking lot.
Exactly, why the fuss over missing the height record? Its not like they're building skyscrapers here. :confused:
For a ride its the drop that counts.
