There's some truth to 1 and 2, but 3 clearly shows that you haven't bothered to check out much of Mississauga. It's a lot more diverse in form than you give it credit for.
Off topic, but pertaining to some of the discussion in the thread.

As someone who has lived in Toronto, Newmarket, and Hamilton, and recently Moved to Mississauga for the first time (city centre area), here are my observations:

1. Mississauga is the most sparse place I have ever lived. It's very poorly served by things such as grocery stores, restaurants, etc. As someone without a car, living here is horrible. Newmarket was more walkable and convenient.

2. There is no regard for pedestrians here. I've never felt uncomfortable walking/crossing roads at any point in my life until now. For example, people don't give a shit if you have a green to cross the road. They'll try to drive into you unless you stop and let them make right-on-red turns etc.

3. There is a soulless alienating vibe about this place. It doesn't have the cozy, populated, dense, exciting feel of the city, nor the beauty, nature, friendliness, or recluse of the suburbs. Mississauga is a horrid place.

I can see why everyone here drives, and I wouldn't expect it to change soon.

1. MCC is still pretty sparse. Lack of a grocery store is a common complaint. Wait till Whole Foods opens up. The rest of Mississauga is pretty well paved over. I live less than a five minute walk from a grocery store and some restaurants (Hero, Taco Bell, Mr Sub, a Chinese restaurant, a Mediterranean restaurant)

2. Try visiting downtown Port Credit or Streetsville.

3. Beauty, nature, friendliness or recluse of the suburbs? I didn't know suburbs contained those things.
According to the statistics, Mississauga is far, far less car-dependent than Newmarket. If you look at high rise condo projects like Limelight, this is not surprising. Newmarket has nothing comparable to this. And future residents of Limelight will have far more services within walking distance to them, including transit service, than any one living in Newmarket has now or will ever have. Also, I have to wonder if Newmarket's downtown has more residents than these Limelight condos will have. Probably not.
Off topic, but pertaining to some of the discussion in the thread.

As someone who has lived in Toronto, Newmarket, and Hamilton, and recently Moved to Mississauga for the first time (city centre area), here are my observations:

1. Mississauga is the most sparse place I have ever lived. It's very poorly served by things such as grocery stores, restaurants, etc. As someone without a car, living here is horrible. Newmarket was more walkable and convenient.

2. There is no regard for pedestrians here. I've never felt uncomfortable walking/crossing roads at any point in my life until now. For example, people don't give a shit if you have a green to cross the road. They'll try to drive into you unless you stop and let them make right-on-red turns etc.

3. There is a soulless alienating vibe about this place. It doesn't have the cozy, populated, dense, exciting feel of the city, nor the beauty, nature, friendliness, or recluse of the suburbs. Mississauga is a horrid place.

I can see why everyone here drives, and I wouldn't expect it to change soon.

As already suggested, visit Port Credit.
2nd Limelight Building

Does anyone know how many more units are still up for sale in the 2nd Limelight condo? Needless to say, it's taken Daniel's an endless amount of time to sell out compared to the first one...any reasons why?

Not an expert at these things, but would limelight #1 be more of an attractive commodity to live in compared to the 2nd?
^ I may be going by the sales office tomorrow re: the townhouses, if I do I will ask...
from today...







Does anyone know how many more units are still up for sale in the 2nd Limelight condo? Needless to say, it's taken Daniel's an endless amount of time to sell out compared to the first one...any reasons why?

Not an expert at these things, but would limelight #1 be more of an attractive commodity to live in compared to the 2nd?

My Mississauga realtor friend says there's a few things happening here:

1)Supply. Daniels introduced the second building too quickly, upsetting the investment crowd that bought in phase 1. Buying to live in a phase 1 unit is a dangerous game--too many investors in this building meaning it will be a renter's building.

2)Price. Price has gone up too much vs tower 1, thus making it unattractive to investors.

3)The Absolute Ma effect. Those 2 stunners have turned Miss condo investing upside down--it's either wait for a flipped unit here (betting even a flipped unit will increase in value) or wait to see which developer blinks first--ie launches a stunning building or two that would appeal to the new investor eye.

That's about all I know. I'd add that Brampton prices are perhaps starting to influence Miss as well--is Miss viewed as overpriced now vs Brampton?
I have some information to share with future condo owners in Limelight
I just closed in Chicago and there were couple of things which i did not expect :
1) daniels collected property taxes for 2011 during closing - good for Mississauga and for Daniels but very questionable benefit for owners
2) Daniels did not pass HST tax credit (builder share 2%) to owners and it was added to closing fee.
3) there is 2900 charge in the agreement (school/go improvement fee) - do not forget about it
