Whether you fall 9 floors or 60 the basic outcome is likely the same, it's not good.
Where's the photos then?
I do. I'm not up high. I'm not scared of heights, I have a fear. I lived on the 9th floor previous to this. I'm okay with a certain height. I could never live 60 storeys up for example haha.

I love/hate heights... The views are remarkable, but living up there can get a little scary at times (especially in the 150m+ towers)... And in REALLY tall buildings over a certain height experience a little sway during high wind conditions! and sway scares the living sh** out of me! (especially when you're 60 stories up!)

The University Ave. Streetwall looks amazing in that shot! especially since it slants inwards where shangri-la is! and its cool how MLS looks like its apart of the streetwall! ahh... that strip of university is one of my favourite streetwalls in toronto :D!
And here's a pic taken from above, showing where all the concrete is going.


Sorry it's so grainy, full zoom on a blackberry does not for good pictures make.
Regardless of the picture quality, thanks for putting in the effort.

One can't quite see this part of the construction work - except from above.
Got tired of sitting at my desk so went for a walk to see what's up with Shangri-La


It's getting taller, they're pouring a slab on the south west corner today.
I keep driving by this one every day.....I was hoping this would be moving along bit more faster. We've hit ground level in March...right?
Podiums often take a month per floor in a complex project. Towers tend to sprout more rapidly as the floor plate decreases and repetition sets in.

This tower will dominate the west side of downtown, !!! Very cool tower, by winter we should get an idea of it's impact, much like Trump now.
Yeah, and like Bay Street, this really contributes to the urban canyon! I love it.
