Demolition and disassembly is gathering steam today. I passed the site on my way to work this morning and there were two large backhoes digging into the pit where the archaeologists were sifting through historic trash. There are definitely more guys working on the walls of the Bishop building, as well.
New-ish (?) renderings from


The base confuses me a bit.
Too bad there isn't that nice green space on the SE corner of Adelaide/Simcoe (bottom two images above). Instead we have that EnWave building.
It's outstanding though that people would be willing to shell out 1000 bucks a square foot to view the Enwave stack. It gives hope that the parking lot in front of the Bay street stack could be developed with residential
It's outstanding though that people would be willing to shell out 1000 bucks a square foot to view the Enwave stack. It gives hope that the parking lot in front of the Bay street stack could be developed with residential

I recall Sick Kids Hospital is thinking of using the Enwave parking lot site to develop a new research facility.
Bishop's Block is looking shorter lately. The third floor has been disassembled!
According to that article, Shangri-La is down to 63 floors (from 65 proposed).
