March 22

Not much left. Everything above ground level is gone.

I don't imagine that foundation is going to be reused in any way. Is it a free-for-all for all the scattered historic bricks?
time marches on and history is forgotten... wouldnt the people who laid those bricks be amazed by what is about to replace their handiwork!
time marches on and history is forgotten... wouldnt the people who laid those bricks be amazed by what is about to replace their handiwork!

I think about that often. Imagine what the guys who laid those bricks would thinks if they stood there today. The towers around them would certainly amaze them. I think the same thing when watching shows about the building of the pyramids or the Coliseum. What would those master builders think if they had a chance to see the buildings of today?
from today's Star...nice to read that they consider themselves to be under construction....:)

9. LIVING SHANGRI-LA TORONTO: Northwest corner of University Ave. and Adelaide St. Builder: Westbank Corp. and The Peterson Group. A 65-storey, 352-unit building, with hotel suites on first 17 floors. From $918,500 for 806 sq. ft. to $11.95 million for 6,700 sq. ft. (parking included). Fees: lower floors 54 cents per sq. ft., plus hydro; upper floors 75 cents per sq. ft., plus hydro. Sales: 70 per cent sold. Under construction. Occupancy: mid-2011. Sales centre: 200 University Ave., 3rd floor, 416-599-0333;
I, for one, can't wait to see our tiny $2,000,000 rectangle.
I didn't realize they were actually going to rebuild the building. I thought it would just be moved temporarily and restored.

I can't wait to see how the new version will look.
They likely would have moved it temporarily, were it in the physical condition to withstand such a move. As it is, they're doing it as "next best thing" as they can, reusing the bricks etc.
