for the record, the post originally came from the BC section of SSP...

jlousa posted this in the BC Section of SSP

"For anyone that is interested, I know this is a Vancouver thread, but the developer is local. Shangri-la Toronto is already 80% sold, I didn't end up making the VIP gala until 7pm last night and there was nothing left of interest to me. Most buyers are from Vancouver and Asia, although they claim they are happy with the sales they received in Toronto."

There are a couple of follow-up comments by BC forumers, with enough detail to suggest that this info is correct......
Holy Sh*t!

I think this proves that there is certainly a market for a high-class condo/hotel, and that there's something very wrong WRT Trump.
I've always felt that the problem with trump was primarily location, especially pertaining to the 'view'....if I was lucky enough to be spending $2 million on a condo, I wouldn't want my view to be, what, a banker's cubicle? It's just too hemmed in by the surrounding office towers. Plus being smack dab in the concrete jungle, let's say as a trump purchaser, you want to walk your precious poodle Fifi...there's not a blade of grass anywhere near.

That's why I think they have had better luck selling the hotel units, as opposed to the residences.

So Shangri-la, snapped up by asian buyers, Four Seasons by locals who know the value of the Yorkville location, leaving trump for U.K. football players, and other non-residents.

In a way, the trump sales team have done pretty well in spite of the less than perfect location, imo. Still will be impressive when it is finally built.

And Shangri-la rocks! :D
A lot of this has to do with brand. Trump is tacky, tacky, tacky. I'm sorry but it's true. He's a comb-over blow hard and if people want to sink their money somewhere they're going to do it with a reputable's no coincidence that Ritz, 4Seasons and Shangri-La are so fast out of the gate relative to Trump.
Honestly, Trump seems like an 80's's like Leona Helmsley trying to develop a condo on her name brand.
^^ great post. Very astute. One should never ignore (or under-estimate) the Fifi factor. It literally is a deal breaker for buyers with deep pockets... location, location, location ... the Harry mantra... means nothing if Fifi craps on Bay Street and a Saville Row-outfitted wannabe superstar goes for a slide.

In NYC you pay top dollar for a great apartment and a place to let Fifi do what she has to do.
If it's 80% sold, then why aren't they getting their shovels into the ground? I thought that projects usually went ahead at around the 50% mark?
If it's 80% sold, then why aren't they getting their shovels into the ground? I thought that projects usually went ahead at around the 50% mark?

it's a complex process to get shovels in the ground and its basically only been 'open' for a week or so
Just getting the working drawings done and then the tendering process on a project like this takes a while. Plus, the construction industry's been pretty busy lately.
Some proof of sales in Vancouver from, god damn I love flickr.




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