Bit of a cloudburst over Lake Ontario as seen from our balcony overlooking the Port Lands late this afternoon.


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Been asked a number times on this site by workers to have their photo taken.
Yep, I'm normally much more surreptitious when taking photos of construction sites. I thought it was because they see me a few times a day (I ride a giant FedEx cargo bike right past there every day) and I always give them a nod or a flip a salute. But then the fellow in the full hi-viz jacket in my photo motioned me to take their photo. Then he turned around, pulled out his phone (you can kind of already see it in his right pocket), and wanted a selfie with me and the bike in the background. So weird. 😆
Gates wide open this afternoon, so decided to take a stroll
I saw a lost driver in a car with Nova Scotia plates enter the site late at night, stopped, inched forward, then hesitatingly drove across the bridge before I lost sight of them at Commissioners. I hope they found their way out... 😁 I myself have been sorely tempted to breach the site and spend a glorious 30 seconds on the bridge before it is official open.

Yep, I'm normally much more surreptitious when taking photos of construction sites. I thought it was because they see me a few times a day (I ride a giant FedEx cargo bike right past there every day) and I always give them a nod or a flip a salute. But then the fellow in the full hi-viz jacket in my photo motioned me to take their photo. Then he turned around, pulled out his phone (you can kind of already see it in his right pocket), and wanted a selfie with me and the bike in the background. So weird. 😆
I never acknowledge the presence of anyone when I take pictures of construction sites, and I'm in their face about doing it - I stand in the most visible spot and casually snap away, daring anyone to tell me I can't do that. 🤣
Legally speaking, as long as you are on public land, you can take what every photo you want of or who so long it not been use for publication, adds, promotion materials. If it been use for X, you need X permission to use that photo.

I have had a number in my face folks walk up to me over the years telling me I am not allow to shot X to the point I have said "please call the boys in Blue to tell me not to shot and you will not like their reply" I had a chap from EllisDon for Kipling Hub stand right in front to prevent me from shooting that I make a call the head office about him and what he was doing illegally that he got a call and walked away.

There are things that shouldn't be shot for security reasons regardless if you like too.

What works for Canada doesn't work in places around the world, especially in the US. Been visited by a few US police officers over the years and told then why I was taking photos as well where along of profit who I was and they walk away say ppl are still hung up on 9-11. Don't recalled been questions in Europe even on train platforms.

Now, when is the day for the ribbon cutting so I can be there to see it finally take place with Dec 20 still looking good??
... I had a chap from EllisDon for Kipling Hub stand right in front to prevent me from shooting that I make a call the head office about him and what he was doing illegally that he got a call and walked away.

What was he doing that was illegal? Standing in someones view is not illegal, nor is being annoying. It's a long long way from criminal harassment which is the closest charge I can think of.

AFAICS You were two people, both doing things that weren't illegal but annoyed the crap out of the other.
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What was he doing that was illegal? Standing in someones view is not illegal, nor is being annoying. It's a long long way from criminal harassment which is the closest charge I can think of.

AFAICS You were two people, both doing things that weren't illegal but annoyed the crap out of the other.
I don't know what you call it when someone walks off the job site onto public land and stand in your face to prevent the you from taking photos?? I happen to know a few top personal at EllisDon who were not impress with their employee action after making the call. That person was removed from his position as a project manager and assign to crappy position until they quit.
Signals at Cherry / Lakeshore functional as of 3pm. Let's hope they close the gates tonight or a vehicle doesn't go barreling through those gates. Perhaps they'll be paving the road in the next few days, and maybe opening by the 24th ?

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Not going to open until the fencing and handrails are in place. Getting close to be open. Going to look weir for the next 10 years until the LRT may start going over the empty bridge.
I don't know what you call it when someone walks off the job site onto public land and stand in your face to prevent the you from taking photos?? I happen to know a few top personal at EllisDon who were not impress with their employee action after making the call. That person was removed from his position as a project manager and assign to crappy position until they quit.

You call it stupid and terrible public relations for their employer.

But it's no more illegal for them to stand on public land than it was for you to stand on public land.
