sorry, I am out of town. Mike in TO is often updating Murano with pictures which is located right down the street. Hopefully somebody can swing by here soon. They must be close to erecting a crane. Interest and updates are likely to increase once that happens...
The project is going before the Committee of Adjustment on June 25th "to construct a two-storey addition to the 30-storey mixed-use building approved under By-law 427-91. The addition will add 25 residential units for a total of 355 units."

From the CoA agenda:


1. Section 2(1), 2(2) & Plan 3, By-law 427-91
The maximum permitted height to the top of the main roof of the building is 85.5 m. The mechanical penthouse, parapet walls, etc. must not exceed a height of 9.0 m.The building including the two-storey addition will have a height of 101.9 m to the top of the main roof and an additional 9.5 m for the mechanical penthouse, parapet walls, etc.

2. Section 1(4), By-law 427-91
The by-law permits a maximum of 277 dwelling units.
Committee of Adjustment Decision A0306/06TEY permitted 314 dwelling units and Committee of Adjustment Decision A0928/06TEY permitted 330 dwelling units.
In this case, the building will contain 355 dwelling units and two guest suites.

3. Section 1(5), By-law 427-91
The maximum permitted residential gross floor area is 11.77 times the area of the lot (25,540.9 m2).
The building including the addition will have a residential gross floor area equal to 12.55 times the area of the lot (27,227.0 m2).

4. Section 1(7), By-law 427-91
The maximum permitted combined residential and non-residential gross floor area is 12.0 times the area of the lot (26,040 m2).
The building including the addition will have a combined residential and non-residential gross floor area equal to 12.74 times the area of the lot (27,642.0 m2).

5. Section 1(9), By-law 427-91
A total of 263 parking spaces are to be provided in an underground parking facility, of which, a minimum of 239 spaces shall be designated for use by the residential occupants of the building and a minimum of 24 spaces for visitors and commercial users of the building.
Committee of Adjustment Decision A0306/06TEY permitted a minimum of 216 spaces for the residential occupants and 19 spaces for visitors to be provided.
In this case, 246 spaces will be provided in an underground parking facility, of which, 226 spaces will
be designated for use by the residential occupants, 20 spaces for visitors and zero spaces for commercial users of the building.
June 12

From LaPlante Ave looking east towards Bay. They have been doing a lot of digging.

Looking southeast at the ramp.

The base of the ramp.
Might I add that, while I have no photographic evidence, I was by tonight and there is no crane, but a pit that is absolutely ginormous, and still growing. Pit-lovers should go gawk; this one puts the Cruptal Blown excavation to shame.
surprising then if its so huge that they had to get approval to provide less parking than official plans call for. (as mentioned in the variances above) The suspense continues to build on this one...
Yup - ditto - fantastic stitch! Quite an impressive hole for this one - every inch of space on the west side of Bay is being used.

This is a difficult site to get a good photo of. Obviously RedRoom has found the perfect perch to take pics from. (Excuse the horrendous grammar)...

It appears they're pretty much ready for the tower crane now...

Yeah, I can imagine it is hard to take photos of this... it's such a tight spot there on Bay St.
