hey conrad can i have phone number of your daughter? i have a nice comfortable cell she'd enjoy--from cell2cell we can chat;)

i wonder what kind of people are buying these condos on bay st--the same old bores of yore or different type? I'm gonna have to sit outside rocp and compare the crowd there to the m(b)urano crowd to the luminati crowd. I wonder which ppl are hipper younger or richer?

Doing my phd on what kind of people live on bay st,

^ I think you would find a wide variety given that Bay St. is fast becoming to primary residential district at the top end of downtown. Probably a mix of young professionals, older empty nesters, investor units being rented to whomever.

I've heard that a lot of buyers are in the medical community with all the hospitals on University Avenue (in particular I've heard about a lot of nurses buying - so a potentially large group of single females), lots of parents buying investment units with the intent of having their university aged children live there.

The investor component also leads to a lot of rental units there - so a mixed bag of renters either working or going to school in the city would like in the area.

Between RoCP 1-3, Lumiere, Murano/Burano, Met, the future St. Mikes development, future 1000 Bay St. development and other nearby developments such as 22, Casa, 1BE, Uptown & Crystal Blu - that is a lot of new residential units in a few city blocks that will all be completed within a few years of each other - should certainly have a significant impact on the area.
Note to you: use a different handle this time. Otherwise, get used to all the fun of being thought of with varying degrees of contempt.


PS: Please go ahead and sue Caltrane over his use of your image, nevertheless.

Hilarious! :D

Perhaps Caltrane and Lord Black can sign a non-compete agreement, not to both post on the same thread?

Otherwise there might be Tubby-blocking and Babsy-checking, and that would be messy.

I'll try and track where I make my posts. Otherwise Conrad will be out of luck.

I will change my avatar soon anyway.
From August 3

Well, that was fast! Sales Centre gone, empty lot awaiting....

I wonder, does Caltrane's image have sixty million bucks hidden offshore? I doubt he will tell...

Bay can only get better. The question is will it ever get really better?
Pile driving (I love that term :D ) has begun at Lumiere. This sucker sure has moved along quickly. It appears that excavation equipment is also on site. I'll try to get around the neighbourhood and grab some updated images in the next day or two and post them under the appropriate projects.
Site photos from Sept. 23rd


Hmmm, not a fan of how they took down that tree and replaced it with pylons. To bad it couldn't have been saved some how.
And Renderwoods are a very hardy and lush species, so it's a great choice! Vive le virtual urban forest!

Absolutely! The only catch with renderwoods is that funny mix-up they keep having down at the warehouse. Every time they order a renderwood, the papers get mixed up and the warehouse sends down a Charlie Brown Christmas tree instead. It's funny - they never mix up the renderwoods for maples or oaks or even a willow... it's always a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. (You can tell, because each one has a facsimile of Charles Schultz's signiature and a little trademark notice etched into the bark near the base. Have a look next time you're on Spadina.) Maybe someone swapped the labels on the two bins?

At any rate, we're assured - *assured* - that it won't happen again this time.
They certainly are, although their overall look is decidedly deciduous. Funny that.

