Trees aside, I am simply amazed at how fast this project went from sales to construction (it appears to be a matter of a few months). Does the fact that this building is close to U of T, allow it to cater to student/parents who want a residence close to the school?
Trees aside, I am simply amazed at how fast this project went from sales to construction (it appears to be a matter of a few months). Does the fact that this building is close to U of T, allow it to cater to student/parents who want a residence close to the school?

Uhhh, y - yep - yes?

Indeed. Most of the parents of twenty year olds that I know are thrilled to finally get them out of the house - so they can resume their sex lives wherever and whenever the urge takes them. One I know even faked an air conditioner breakdown last summer, but she still couldn't budge junior.
Oct. 20th update

Digging at Lumiere



seems like theyve just about got the bottom of the hole flattened out - any idea if they are going any deeper (or not)???
