Thanks for posting the pictures.

It looks like it has a bit of a Crystal Blu-ish look to it so far. Hopefully it's just the lighting. I'm liking the horizontal coloured glass elements.
M5V is making a pretty significant impact on the King st. skyline. I wouldn't mind seeing the other proposals built as well, it looks like high-rises fit in quite well with the surroundings.
I wouldn't mind seeing the other proposals built as well, it looks like high-rises fit in quite well with the surroundings.

Seeing everything that is going in to place in this area will take at least 5 years......There is only one person on this forum that visually can make this happen immediately. wyliepoon please..:D
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May 28

Curtain wall at the old sales office

Colours are more vibrant because they are larger panels and they are backlit by sunlight.
5 June 2010:


I like it, the colours are a nice start on the move towards bolder buildings in Toronto--an all magenta or all Irish green building is what I'm craving.


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wow, just wow! Best building under construction to date ? Better then the four seasons even! All this is based on that one pic :) So my opinion might change when I see the whole structure in person. I love the color, particularly how muted it is - I'll have to see it in real life to accurately judge it.
I bet the colours are going to stand out a lot more once the drywall and window treatments go up.

This one could look really nice when finished.
One of the nicest glazing design in the city.
I think those colored glass panels only occurs on the front side of the building, though.

Can't wait to see it finished.
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I like the massing of the podium-- works really well on that strip.

M5V is lookin great! :)
From Panorama:


Here's a couple pics from earlier today







edit: I forgot about this one

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