my dream:

the leafs and raptors win their respective championships in the same year and both have beautiful parades that move down yonge street, cross over to bay via front and climax at the new acc/maple leaf square where a massive week-long party erupts.

my dream:

the leafs and raptors win their respective championships in the same year and both have beautiful parades that move down yonge street, cross over to bay via front and climax at the new acc/maple leaf square where a massive week-long party erupts.


MLSE's dream:

The leafs and raptors have a modestly successful season, finishing in the last playoff spot in their respective divisions. Each team bows out early in the first round and are met with 2 successive "rebuilding" seasons. They don't have to pay for a parade despite ticket prices and beer prices going up.
MLSE's dream:

The leafs and raptors have a modestly successful season, finishing in the last playoff spot in their respective divisions. Each team bows out early in the first round and are met with 2 successive "rebuilding" seasons. They don't have to pay for a parade despite ticket prices and beer prices going up.

MLSE's REAL dream:

reduce cost of players by 50% - winning games is not an objective, saving money is - seats are full win or lose so why spend money on talent - no parades to worry about - fans squabble endlessly about the "real" problem - nothing changes except profits increase due to lower costs - it's a beautiful thing - its like "found" money.
you both make me sad. even though i know it's true.
Back on topic please.

MLSE's planning on bidding to host the NBA All-Star Game once MLS is completed. That's the closest thing to a parade for that part of town in the near future.

I think MLSE should start the paperwork for the bid soon!
I'm sure it's been said before but I'll say it again... The height of these two twin-like towers is very impressive in person.

10 more floors on both would have been awesome.





Great photos. Thank you for the closeups of the balcony details! Also that sneak peek inside is great. Which part of the building is that?
The MLS website has been revamped. Some new info and renderings. Same old music :)

Fine Dining PDF:

Sports Bar PDF:

Retail PDF:

Its funny showing phase 1 as 99.5% sold. I guess they still have that one penthouse remaining.


Im really liking how the ground floor of the podium will look once the area is cleared.


Could this door...

Lead to this...
