Is any one else slightly underwhelmed by the towers? Or is it just that the base is so beautifully finished that the towers inherently pale in comparison?

I totally agree with you .. while the podium of MLS turned out amazing, the towers facade detailing/glazing are less than interesting (but the slim profile + height is good)
Perhaps people don't go down to the waterfront ... . I don't understand this either. Go down in summer sometime, you can't move down there, it's so thick with people. As with waterfronts just about everywhere in the world, a large proportion of those are tourists.

If the waterfront is so packed and thick with people why are we obsessed with discussing what the barrier to the waterfront is? We do, b/c the waterfront is not a destination for the average Toronto resident, and that is who I was referring to in my original post. Hopefully all these new projects will be ago, and the waterfront will become a destination for Toronto residents, not just misguided tourists.
Is any one else slightly underwhelmed by the towers? Or is it just that the base is so beautifully finished that the towers inherently pale in comparison?

I find that the later addition of the balcony glass really makes a huge difference for the better in the appearance of most condos.
Is any one else slightly underwhelmed by the towers? Or is it just that the base is so beautifully finished that the towers inherently pale in comparison?

You are trying to compare an almost complete podium, which has most of its glass wrapped around to semi complete condo towers.

Less than half the glass for the condo towers isnt even up yet and the towers are only at around the 25th floor. Also like scrappyTO said, the balcony glass does make a huge difference.

No, they probably wont look as good as the podium but wait until the finished product until actually passing judgement.
When I went down today, I didn't see any balcony glass at all.


destroying the Gardner is just foolishness...toronto has no highways. cargo trucks and other vehicles that are gonna have to travel to stores and LARG TOWERS in the downtown area are just gonna cause way more traffic and pollution due to more street lights.
toronto already does not have enough highways for the amount of traffic.
Its a big problem most people that live downtown will not agree...i think most people that live in the subs and just out side of the city will agree with not tearing the gardner down.

toronto could use a underground highway like Montreal ?? no? im sure some ppl will or would have a problem with that cuz it makes the environment look bad or some bs like that.

AND stop comparing Toronto to NEW YORK or other city’s that it isn’t.

I agree. I'd love toronto to have more LARG TOWERS, but then we'd have mor pollution caused by street lights!!!!
Lmao !!
destroying the Gardner is just foolishness...toronto has no highways. cargo trucks and other vehicles that are gonna have to travel to stores and LARG TOWERS in the downtown area are just gonna cause way more traffic and pollution due to more street lights.
toronto already does not have enough highways for the amount of traffic.
Its a big problem most people that live downtown will not agree...i think most people that live in the subs and just out side of the city will agree with not tearing the gardner down.

toronto could use a underground highway like Montreal ?? no? im sure some ppl will or would have a problem with that cuz it makes the environment look bad or some bs like that.

AND stop comparing Toronto to NEW YORK or other city’s that it isn’t.

huh?..and then wtf?

I remember when I was a kid, the cool thing to say when someone was losing it was: "take a chill pill, yo!"

Is that still a cool thing to say?
destroying the Gardner is just foolishness...toronto has no highways. cargo trucks and other vehicles that are gonna have to travel to stores and LARG TOWERS in the downtown area are just gonna cause way more traffic and pollution due to more street lights.
toronto already does not have enough highways for the amount of traffic.
Its a big problem most people that live downtown will not agree...i think most people that live in the subs and just out side of the city will agree with not tearing the gardner down.

toronto could use a underground highway like Montreal ?? no? im sure some ppl will or would have a problem with that cuz it makes the environment look bad or some bs like that.

AND stop comparing Toronto to NEW YORK or other city’s that it isn’t.

I think you have your argument backwards. More highways = more people move to live near highways and use highways. Cities are trying to be less car dependent. That doesn't mean trucks are being discouraged, as the majority of traffic is caused by commuting by far, not delivery trucks of various size. What you should be arguing for is less highways, and more restrictions on commuting vehicles, to discourage people living far from a CBD to travel to and from it each day by road. I guarentee if we built more highways, we would have a similar situation to LA's highway system and other major US cities. A system seen as beautiful in the 50s, and seen as a major problem today.
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I also argree with letting Toronto be Toronto and not some other city like NY. However solid city building in order to make a city efficient and allow it to thrive means not living in a car based society while the rest of the world works on new ways to revolutionize the way a city operates. Simply building a bypass for blood to get to the heart is a band aid solution if the other routes are clogged, same with new highways, it doesn't address the major issue which is relieving pressure on the roads by taking away the demand for use of them.
Its a big problem most people that live downtown will not agree...i think most people that live in the subs and just out side of the city will agree with not tearing the gardner down.

Well, perhaps most people not living near it can suck it, really. I suppose you're referring to the people that use it as a "convenient" way to get downtown on random week-ends for a variety of events five to ten times a year as opposed to people who live anywhere near it who see it as not only an eyesore but as a psychological barrier to the lake?

Hell, I live nowhere near it but I do spend almost all my leisure time down there and I'm going to have to say that familiarity breeds contempt in this case.


Wikkid photos, everyone! Thanks :)

I've taken a bunch of shots of this and other developments on my mobile's camera but I've lost my mini-XD adapter and so can't load them onto my computer. I'm working on it.
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The only time the Gardiner has bothered me is when big piles of water were flying off of it while waiting outside a gate at the ACC when it was raining.
