The intersection of York and Bremner will surely be one of the tallest in Toronto. Just considering the four blocks immediately touching it, we should have, in order of height:

217m 65s Ice 2 (residential sales)
186m 55s Ice 1 (residential sales)
186m 54s MLS 1 (residential U/C)
174m 50s MLS 2 (residential U/C)
157m 31s 16 York (office proposed)
136m 30s Union Tower (office U/C)
114m 26s PWC Tower (office U/C)

Not to mention the possible SITQ office tower at 45 Bay (~45 storeys, ~200m) and the already-built 18 Yonge (39 storeys, 114m) to the east, and the twin Infinity 1 and (proposed) Infinity 3 condominium towers (35 storeys, 108m), plus a possible hotel of unknown height north of Bremner, to the west.

The only taller intersection in Toronto that I am sure about is King and Bay, just a short distance to the northeast.
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this area will look alot better in 5-10 years (i know, depressing, since none of us are getting any younger).

No, but I have been 19 for the last five years! :D

If you look at that aerial shot, you'll see that what, half of the available land between the tracks and Queen's Quay has been built up? It'll come slowly but surely and the most important thing is for the city to guide development in such a way so as to make this district very attractive from an urbanist perspective, an aesthetic one, and a culturally significant one.

I look at that photo and see opportunity. Let's hope those in charge don't muck it up.
More variety in the built form along bremner. For example, I'd like to see brick used as the primary material for the hotel at Simcoe/Bremner. It would be a great way to connect the older buildings on station street and a way to integrate the Roundhouse.

Agreed, I'd love to see some brick structures to contrast with the plethora of glass and aged concrete.

gbalogh at

You can see alot of buildings u/c in this photo including Pinnacle Centre, RBC, MLS, Ritz, Parade, West Harbour City, Luna and Montage.

Success looks really tall in this photo. No I mean really, really tall!! (Now imagine MLS when complete!!)
If only we could demolish Harbour Square and those three towers in front of the Rogers Centre.

Harbour Square is absolute garbage as are those 3 towers. It's astounding that the developers got passed first base with Harbour Square. It fails on so many levels. They might as well have built a 100 metre high brick wall at the waters edge.

There are actually 5 of those beige buildings in front of the stadium that need to come down.
Harbour Square is absolute garbage as are those 3 towers. It's astounding that the developers got passed first base with Harbour Square. It fails on so many levels. They might as well have built a 100 metre high brick wall at the waters edge.

There are actually 5 of those beige buildings in front of the stadium that need to come down.

Remember, Harbour Square & the Weston were built in the '70's when only brave locals would make the pilgrimage from Union Station to the ferry docks to get to the Islands. Most people pretty much avoided the waters edge back then (and the water!).
I was a kid when these buildings started popping up and I remember being in awe of them. Of course many of us think differently of them today, but they're not going anywhere so we live with them.
I doubt we'll have any regrets with MLS.
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^That's a good point -- I don't know how many posters here remember what a post-industrial wasteland that whole area was in the 1960s and 1970s. Harbour Square is almost universally loathed these days, but at the time it was built it was regarded with more bemusement than anything else.
A bit off topic - but as you can see Harbour Square really was a lone wolf in an empty industrial wasteland. No one was planning for a vibrant waterfront at that point in time. In fact many people questioned the developers sanity attempting to bring new residential units to the waterfront.





^ I still think that this building looks like it belongs to the Dark Lord Sauron. Can't you just see his Eye of flame floating atop that thing?
OT - Personally I think they should look at York to Yonge and the Harbour Square with a number of different approaches:

1. Demolish certain buildings - like Westin Harbourcastle and the conference centre.

2. Selective addition and building modification - like those exposed parking garages and redesign how the building meet the street.

3. Redesign in/egress driveways for said complex - perhaps in association with other redevelopment opportunities. The worst offender is probably the parking entrance right at the foot of Yonge/Harbour Square Park.

4. Lakefilling/pier building

5. Rebuild/relocate ferry terminal

^ I still think that this building looks like it belongs to the Dark Lord Sauron. Can't you just see his Eye of flame floating atop that thing?

No, but I can see Kim Jong-il's insanity in every ridiculous window.
