YES and yes. This whole area needs to get a facelift.

Demolishing the Harbour Castle Hilton, i doubt that will happen, building over the convention centre i agree, it actually has been mentioned a few times through out the past years Regarding relocating and building a new ferry terminal and dock, i agree, it should have been done many years ago, Maybe in the near future relocate it to the East Bayfront / West Don Lands development project. Oh another thing get rid of the that ugly piece of junk (ship)at the foot of Yonge Street.
Maybe it's my age and a certain nostalgia for times I never saw but I like Harbour Square and have wanted to live there since I was a wee one....that and Palace Pier. <3
Maybe some re-cladding is in order. If North Koreans could do it, why can't we? :)


NOOO!! WHY?!?! They just ruined the authenticity of the tallest ruin on earth!! I really liked its evilness. I actually always wanted to go on one of those tours of North Korea. :D
NOOO!! WHY?!?! They just ruined the authenticity of the tallest ruin on earth!! I really liked its evilness. I actually always wanted to go on one of those tours of North Korea. :D
Don't worry. It should be a ruin again soon enough. Apparently, it's as structurally sound as a sandcastle, just like the sick regime that built it, hopefully.
hi, does anyone still have the original price list for the two towers ? i know i've come across it somewhere on this site in the past, just can't seem to find it anymore. would definitely appreciate some help on this.
As nice as Telus and MLS are, there's just way too much blue and green glass in this area. You can barely tell the buildings apart under some light conditions.

It's areas like this that make me want precast.
