As nice as Telus and MLS are, there's just way too much blue and green glass in this area. You can barely tell the buildings apart under some light conditions.

It's areas like this that make me want precast.

I agree there are to many buildings looking alike down there, plus you can add CityPlace to the mix. Im hoping in the next construction cycle, developers look at more precast and brick in their projects, take a look at a city like New York as an example. In a larger scale of course.
I agree there are to many buildings looking alike down there, plus you can add CityPlace to the mix. Im hoping in the next construction cycle, developers look at more precast and brick in their projects, take a look at a city like New York as an example. In a larger scale of course.

It's for that reason that I give buildings like West Harbour City and the Uptown an automatic pass. Their presence alone gives the skyline variation and contrast. Though, I'll be the first to admit that Yorkville could stand to have much more glass.

If the remaining empty lots south of the train tracks, for which nothing is already planned, are filled up with precast or brick buildings, it'll break up the glass party in a big way (and the same can be said of the small THCH buildings in CityPlace). But I've got no reason to believe that the developers will bother. 18 York, Ice, and the next phases of Infinity are certainly not going to help.
As much as I'd love some brick and precast down here, the MLS black base will at the very least provide some contrast at street level. My biggest problem with this area, as a previous poster noted, is the Ice Condo setback that will prevent a deep street cannon from developing, not to mention a sweet condo wall protruding over the Gardiner.

Regardless, I would still consider York & Bremner to be a success, especially in comparison to City Place and the York/Lakeshore corridor.


I guess this ain't happening anymore:


The built podium is much shorter than the one in the render and there doesn't seem to be room for a screen. I liked the idea of that lit canopy over the bridge but that also seems to have been dropped.
It's really odd that's so short. The other side made it look taller. I thought the podium is 10 floors tall?
I brought this point up many pages ago, and was told this is how it's supposed to look, but I knew different. Thanks for posting the above render. It's an effect of The Cheapening I guess.
I brought this point up many pages ago, and was told this is how it's supposed to look, but I knew different. Thanks for posting the above render. It's an effect of The Cheapening I guess.

Yup, also not diagonal effect on the glass.
It's unlikely but it seems as if there's still construction going on on top of the 2 story section no?
whenever a rendering comes out, there's always an asterisk or finger pointing to the phrase, "artist's rendition."

the renderings always look better and more beautiful than the finished product.
whenever a rendering comes out, there's always an asterisk or finger pointing to the phrase, "artist's rendition."

the renderings always look better and more beautiful than the finished product.

A large glass wall with a video screen is not an artists rendition. It's an element of the design.
