Does anyone have a photo from the same spot (up the stairs from Simcoe leading to the Convention Centre/Skywalk) from a few years ago? It would be great to compare that with a photo from now and in a few years, going from nothing but parking lots, to east side of York built up, and then west side built up also.
Does anyone have a photo from the same spot (up the stairs from Simcoe leading to the Convention Centre/Skywalk) from a few years ago? It would be great to compare that with a photo from now and in a few years, going from nothing but parking lots, to east side of York built up, and then west side built up also.

google maps is great for that sort of thing. they haven't updated their images of toronto in years.,-79.38121&spn=0.005877,0.013905&t=h&z=17
April 5, 2008
April 5

Sometime in the summer of 2008
Fall 2008
Last month


Good job, CSW. Thanks. Exactly what I had in mind (just don't have the time to go back through all the pages)
Those towers are going up fast. Anyone notice that it seems construction on sites seems to be accelerating in the last few weeks? Either there's more workers available, or people are pushing stuff up ASAP to avoid credit issues.
Those towers are going up fast. Anyone notice that it seems construction on sites seems to be accelerating in the last few weeks?

That's not surprising. This podium was large and complex, so it took a while to rise. The towers, on the other hand, are really thin, and the floors are likely pre-formed.
I was stuck in traffic, trying to make a left turn off Bremner to northbound York last night and as you approach that intersection, you really notice the grand scale of this development.

It's not even near complete and that corner was just amazingly grand-looking at night. Especially with the light beams coming off the ACC.

This is going to be one pretty corner when it's all said and done.

And the amount of people! When you combine a match day or concert crowd with local residents.......:eek:
Those towers are going up fast. Anyone notice that it seems construction on sites seems to be accelerating in the last few weeks? Either there's more workers available, or people are pushing stuff up ASAP to avoid credit issues.

As the weather continues to improve, I bet we'll see a much quicker construction pace as well. It was a pretty nasty winter, which tends to slow things down.
