Because we're talking about longtime hospital infrastructure, might they be recycling existing basement substructure?
080708 from u/c

thanks for the pics Current! I wonder if this site might need a third crane since the corner nearest the intersection seem to be out of reach of the two that are already erected? btw - great late day light on that last pic!
July 17th Update

Four cranes going at it today



They can't build this fast enough for me - it will perfectly complete the intersection. I'm also looking forward to the removal of that hideous subway entrance canopy-thing on the corner.
... I'm also looking forward to the removal of that hideous subway entrance canopy-thing on the corner.

I am also very much looking forward to the removal of that ugly thing. It's absence in all the renders made me a happy camper, and once it's actually gone, I'll be ecstatic. I always found it to be a dingy entrance to the subway, although all four corners are pretty dingy.
August 30th

