The choices made with this building are really interesting. I don't know if it's completely successful, but in this case, it's kind of good not knowing. It's bold and different while working hard to be an asset, and these days, that's saying something.
I grew up near Hamilton in the '70's, and Hamilton had been building a lot of stuff that was brutalist and partook of some of the decades cliche's - smoked and bronzed glass, concrete and precast brownish panels, angled piers and columns, the occasional moat. To a younger me, it all looked ravishingly futuristic. Hamilton Place, Jackson Square and The Art Gallery, especially.
To me, this building seems to pick up some of those tropes and run with them. I don't know how to explain it, but it "feels" like a Hamilton building. It looks a bit neo-'brutalist' to me, with it's pushed and folded forms. It's meant to state it's presence, and it does. Nifty.
We went to a concert Friday night and I was reminded of the absolute beauty that Hamilton Place is. Hamilton got really unlucky with Jackson Square and City Centre in that they ruined areas of the city that would have recovered by now, while Hamilton gained some amazing architecture, community and meeting spaces. The Art Gallery is another such amazing space. I'm glad this McMaster building is nearby, as I think you are right that it continues to evoke that historic modernist architecture that Hamilton is partly known for in some very small areas of the city.

Hamilton similarly has an amazing collection of mid-century modern homes spread around. There are some really great gems around. Hamilton should be trying to not just do modernism, nor historicism, but to do something different. Akin to how Montreal is also doing neither. Medium cities have the power to be actually interesting as there isn't pressure to be everywhere all at once like a Toronto or Vancouver.
I don't believe Mac overbuilt parking here over the minimums like Marquee did. The building next door would still need parking, that is unless the City's plans to drop parking minimums comes through..

It’s not the garage itself that’s over-built. I’m talking about the garage’s huge entrance off Bay St. It’s really ugly lol
The cladding is nearing completion, offering glimpses of the interesting pointed light effect that this building will feature.



Photos from Joe
Cladding being installed where the construction elevator was
View attachment 521735
Looking at this again, I see blinds drawn only up to floor 9, which tells me this is the current level of occupancy.

This means approximately 159 units are occupied minus the few where the construction elevator was, so likely closer to 150. Which means there are another ~300 units to be occupied in the near future.
The contrast between modern construction and the buildings in disrepair is striking. Welcome to the 21st century Hamilton. I wonder how long those buildings are going to last. Hopefully any future development somehow integrates the facades.
that block of buildings was on the market as a redevelopment site for a while. No idea if it ever managed to actually sell or not.
that block of buildings was on the market as a redevelopment site for a while. No idea if it ever managed to actually sell or not.
My understanding is that they sold. Not sure of any immediate plans for them though, from what I've heard structurally they're a nightmare and likely need to be largely torn down with any redevelopment.
that block of buildings was on the market as a redevelopment site for a while. No idea if it ever managed to actually sell or not.
Was it you that mentioned the parking lot in the foreground was also purchased by McMaster? Perhaps they would also be the buyers of the property to the south too then?

Anyone know a realtor?
This photo is a month old now but shows a unique perspective of the tower in the context of the downtown skyline. West End Home Builders' Association went on a tour of Platinum and share this photo from the roof of that building on socials.

Oh man that looks great and wait till all the buildings on the left side fill in 😍
Oh man that looks great and wait till all the buildings on the left side fill in 😍
I love this view because it takes a few seconds to get your bearings and realize that Hamilton is quickly rising up with the new batch of 15-32 storey towers. McMaster Grad project looks great!
What's the building called where the photo is taken? When was that built?
It's getting harder for me to keep track which is a good problem to have.

What a great time to witness Hamilton development. I also love Cobalt's presence and think that project is such a great asset for the core... by the Gore 😜
