^ Agreed.

What I especially like about this is the relationship between the two towers. They interact: The way the south tower tapers towards the top of the north tower suggests that the two form one contiguous shape rather than two isolated buildings.

Compare to ROCP II, which winds up totally detracting from ROCP I's square elegance (I'm a fan) by placing a stumpy doppelganger alongside.
A few flaws in the concept:

1) The break in the streetwall caused by the courtyard (parking entrance?) Not really a good idea especially during most of the year--ie cold barren winter.

2)The angled balcony's facing Yonge St podium level: Kind of cheesy and detract from what could've been a clean modern facade.

Otherwise, not bad for what ultimately is a 6 year old proposal.

I'm looking forward to seeing a few Aa structures in the area.
1) The break in the streetwall caused by the courtyard (parking entrance?) Not really a good idea especially during most of the year--ie cold barren winter.

The courtyard was part of the City's demands on the project along with the reduced height. Perhaps as a 'public amenity space.' We'll have to see how it turns out.
The break in the Yonge streetwall won't be the parking lot entrance. That's being built at the eastern side of the project.
I've bought a 1 bedroom + den, empire floor plan on the 4th floor of quantum 2 facing north. I really enjoyed seeing everyone's photos as due to surgery/recovery I've only been down there once since November. I'm really interested in seeing a picture of the north side of the north tower from the laneway at the back as my unit would be in the picture. I'm going to be right on the edge of the 4th floor terrace. I love the spot as it looks down to landscaped grounds a floor below. If anyone has a photo from that vantage point, please let me know, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I took a few pictures myself in May but only at the front as I couldn't stay long. It looks great and I can't wait to be living back at Y&E! For the nervous investor, my real estate agent figures my unit has probably gone up in value about $50k since I bought it in March 2006. There aren't a lot of condos at Y&E and the closeness to the subway makes this an excellent investment.

For sure I'll post lots of photos as I will be one of the first to move in being on the lowest residential floor. Ty for welcome, I spent a long time on here last night examining all the photos. My photos have a lot of construction vehicles in them lol. Next time I'll have more time to take pictures hopefully.

I'm quite disappointed that they didn't stay with the original rendering. I wonder why they would use good materials but skimp on the design. Still a nice building though.
You can do it baby Minto!!

I'm quite disappointed that they didn't stay with the original rendering. I wonder why they would use good materials but skimp on the design. Still a nice building though.

Because Minto reached a compromise deal with the city following NIMBY outrage that the proposed towers were too tall and would destroy the neighbourhood. The councillor that made the deal was subsequently voted out of office for the primary reason that she 'cut a deal' with the developers - had the deal not been cut, Minto would have won the OMB case and a version of the initially proposed 54s and 47s towers would have been built.
Because Minto reached a compromise deal with the city following NIMBY outrage that the proposed towers were too tall and would destroy the neighbourhood. The councillor that made the deal was subsequently voted out of office for the primary reason that she 'cut a deal' with the developers - had the deal not been cut, Minto would have won the OMB case and a version of the initially proposed 54s and 47s towers would have been built.

I wonder if the NIMBY's will even notice the height decrease...or if they'll even care anymore once the towers are up.
