If we want this redevelopment to meet the prospects laid out in that link, then the only possible way for this to come to fruition would be to assign Denzil Minnan-Wong to oversee it.
This guy is an absolute horse's ass and he demolishes his own credibility halfway through the article.

Despite some useful points, it was a poorly written article with many errors. "Honest Ed's Warehouse?"

Honest Ed's is an ugly building and I won't miss it, but I get the nostalga for the signs and I get that locals are concerned about high-rise condos in an almost completely low-rise neigbhourhood. And even though it is a lousy store that's slowly falling apart, it was a place for lower-income people to shop. It will be replaced by expensive condos. That's business, but it affects people.
... and really, who better to determine what is heritage worthy than the people of a community themselves? It's not as if we're building many cathedrals, castles or stately manors any more. Movie cinemas, retail and industrial buildings may just very well be the new 'temples' of our time!
This project and The Well are going to be truly game-changers....great to see these types of urban renewal.
I know i'm in the minority here, but I say keep Mirvish Village and just bulldoze Honest Eds itself for a Wal-Mart. It would replace a shitty building (awesome lighted signs aside) where you buy cheap shit, to a nice shiny new building where you can buy cheap shit. It's the one place where a Wal-Mart wouldn't be taking the space of something better that came before. It would actually be an upgrade. Plus, selfishly, it would be nice to walk there from Yonge to get my toiletries and stuff rather than take the streetcar over to Dufferin. Also, arrange some way to keep the Honest Ed's sign up somewhere like they're doing with Sam The Record Man. But, I know, Wal-Mart is evil, blah blah blah so I'm in the minority.
People might be sad to see Honest Eds disappear, but I doubt many would welcome Walmart. Besides, densities along most of the Bloor subway line remain very low. This is inefficient and should change.
I know i'm in the minority here, but I say keep Mirvish Village and just bulldoze Honest Eds itself for a Wal-Mart. It would replace a shitty building (awesome lighted signs aside) where you buy cheap shit, to a nice shiny new building where you can buy cheap shit. It's the one place where a Wal-Mart wouldn't be taking the space of something better that came before. It would actually be an upgrade. Plus, selfishly, it would be nice to walk there from Yonge to get my toiletries and stuff rather than take the streetcar over to Dufferin. Also, arrange some way to keep the Honest Ed's sign up somewhere like they're doing with Sam The Record Man. But, I know, Wal-Mart is evil, blah blah blah so I'm in the minority.

I'd be okay with that. Wal-Mart would be a step up from that dump.
People might be sad to see Honest Eds disappear, but I doubt many would welcome Walmart. Besides, densities along most of the Bloor subway line remain very low. This is inefficient and should change.

I'll take Honest Ed's over a Walmart any day. Honest Ed's is one of a kind with some very unique merchandise, while Walmart has the same shit at every store. There is no comparison. I will certainly miss Honest Ed's.
I'll take Honest Ed's over a Walmart any day. Honest Ed's is one of a kind with some very unique merchandise, while Walmart has the same shit at every store. There is no comparison. I will certainly miss Honest Ed's.

I'd take WestBank/BartEngels over Honest Ed or Walmart! And so would 90% of residents.
