But that's not the only consideration. They want to drop a 29-storey tower (and the others) in the middle of a mature, low-rise neighbourhood. There are no buildings even remotely close to that size anywhere near this intersection. Such a sudden change in mass and scale is not good built form, no matter how exciting the ideas are.
This site is ideal for midrise and there are lots of other sites surrounding the intersection that could also be built as midrise to take advantage of the transit.
Having said that, it would be disappointing if opposition to this project was taken as as opposition to the "fine grain" ground-level treatment and not the size of the project. The ideas on this one are a breath of fresh air compared to the dull podiums built during the boom. I'm tempted to become a cheerleader for this project based on that, but the height in this location is a serious problem. Buildings don't exist in isolation from their surroundings.