Northern Light
So if there is already a review going on then she is essentially promising something that is already on the books and being talked about.
Yes and No, she is promising to preempt the review by closing those specific courses, then mandating community engagement as to exactly what will replace them.
The review may well recommend the same thing, but isn't out yet, and won't be until next year.
Either way, I don't know all the financials and usage of courses. It could be that with a bit more support it could me more accessible and attract more users.
The report approved by Council has some of the numbers.
Report is here:
Usage was down 15% in the 5 years ending 2016.
Gross revenue generated from fees is 4.5M per year, which roughly equals the cost of direct operation, excluding capital and overhead.
Suggested base investment is 9.7M in the 10-year plan, but that does not include any investments to improve the properties or make them more competitive.
From the report:
A preliminary review of short and long term
needs include:
Updated and digital/mobile booking systems and customer-facing technology to
compete with current industry standards which now useon-line tee time booking systems
and instant communication connectivity, and data for tailored marketing approaches
Flexible fee structures that allow for demand-based pricing
to ensure full utilization.
Updated and expanded facilities suitable for events and tournaments
Updated food and beverage facilities and options. Significant investment is required
for improved food and restaurant facilities
Updated and expanded
Pro shop facilities.
9.5 million over 10 years is really not that much when you consider how much the parks department is paying for capital projects.
Agreed; though, there is a massive overall backlog, and the 9M and change is a low-ball number that might well exceed 30M with the improvements listed.
Given that, is the money better spent elsewhere?
I don't think this was really on the minds of potential voters and she may actually lose more votes from the individuals that actually use the courses.
A definite risk