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Stir a polarizing pot for 4 years, propagate heavily for a Mayoral candidate and then pull the rug on the candidate and the base reader... LOL

A little awkward.
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Speaking of Goldy, I visited Neil Flagg's FB and he's shilling for her as well. How the mighty-in-their-own-minds (i.e. Ford Nation's erstwhile on-line gatekeepers) have fallen...
You mean, the Toronto Sun viz. Faith Goldy? ;-)

Were you surprised the Sun picked Tory? Likely not. The Star on the other hand raised some eyebrows
The Sun has been split between Goldy and Tory, but was leaning slightly pro Tory thru the election campaign. The Star had almost been all in for Keesmaat as far as coverage.

But Goldy seems to be on your mind, so carry on.
Were you surprised the Sun picked Tory? Likely not. The Star on the other hand raised some eyebrows
The Sun has been split between Goldy and Tory, but was leaning slightly pro Tory thru the election campaign. The Star had almost been all in for Keesmaat as far as coverage.

But Goldy seems to be on your mind, so carry on.

You have zippo sense of tongue in cheek.
By leaning - I assume you mean 90% Tory and 10% Goldy.

When it comes to the comment-threading "base reader" (as per OneCity's post), it's more like 90% Goldy and 10% Tory. So it all balances out in the end. ;-)

(And seriously; did any Sun reporter, even Worms, actually come out and declare their voting support for Goldy? It's like she might as well be this year's version of Paul Rimstead in 1972--who got 4% BTW. And neo-Nazi Don Andrews got 1%)

Also re the Star: they may be *editorially* endorsing Tory, but they're still publishing what might be termed as "pro-Keesmaat" columns and pieces. The way someone like OneCity's depicting it, they might as well be NOW or something...
Warmington seemed all in on Faith Goldy, but only on Twitter. I don't usually pay attention to the Sun, but they went out of their way to not mention her.


She seems to think that immigration is a municipal issue. It is actually federal...
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Warmington seemed all in on Faith Goldy, but only on Twitter. I don't usually pay attention to the Sun, but they went out of their way to not mention her.

His "all in"-ness seems less political than weirdly paternal, anyway--"good kid" and all...
By leaning - I assume you mean 90% Tory and 10% Goldy.

The numbers reverse when derangement sets in. Nothing paled even comparable the Stars all-in coverage of Keesmaat. It certainly was a real surprise that they threw her under the Gardiner when push came to shove.

The Cons have been pro Tory since they pulled Lastman out as they wanted no split vote surprises with Ford as Premier. Thats also part of the reason Goldy hasn't seen too much press among the controversy except the Worm/SAL firing up the more extreme Righties on twitter with the Goldy blackout. Which for better and worse is newsworthy in itself but really has little to warrant as a rebut to stating that it was a surprise of the Star abandoning ship to support Tory

Whats more interesting is how both the Left and Right see Tory as an empty shell they will be able to control. Next Mayoral election could be a s-show once the Tory wedge is removed
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The numbers reverse when derangement sets in. Nothing paled even comparable the Stars all-in coverage of Keesmaat. It certainly was a real surprise that they threw her under the Gardiner when push came to shove.

The Cons have been pro Tory since they pulled Lastman out as they wanted no split vote surprises with Ford as Premier. Thats also part of the reason Goldy hasn't seen too much press among the controversy except the Worm/SAL firing up the more extreme Righties on twitter with the Goldy blackout. Which for better and worse is newsworthy in itself but really has little to warrant as a rebut to stating that it was a surprise of the Star abandoning ship to support Tory

Whats more interesting is how both the Left and Right see Tory as an empty shell they will be able to control. Next Mayoral election could be a s-show once the Tory wedge is removed

Frankly, there's deeper reasons for the Goldy blackout than the avoidance of "split vote surprises". And I never got the impression of "derangement" or crazed "all-in-ness" from the Star's coverage of Keesmaat--the way you're putting it, it's like she should have been treated no better than Tooker Gomberg in 2000. Look; one might say that on "Laurentian elite" grounds, *all* media to the left of Atilla was all-in on Keesmaat--and generally speaking, in all the major dailies save the Sun, you'll find that the general tenor of individual columnists have explicitly or implicitly tended to the left of editorial-page decision-making in virtually *every* significant election in recent times. (Think of whenever the G&M has endorsed Conservatives for provincial and federal office lately.)
3rd place Goldy, 3.4%. Anyone who seriously thought she'd manage 10% needs their head examined. (Though of course, 3.4% is too much for the *left* to bear--heck, .34% would be too much for the left to bear. But heck, all that trollpaigning had to be good for *something*. Probably a whole bunch of "she wuz robbed" on Twitter and Sun comments and what have you, though)
