Seems more than a little ironic that the project is called Murano, and we're finding that coloured glass art is wrong for it.

The coloured glass panels look great - it's possibly the best art component of any condo in the city. Far from being an afterthought, they are fully integrated with the architecture, and give the 2 storey podium the heft it needs. I'm looking forward to the final, finished look.


It's kind of unusual that Hume reviews a complex which isn't complete, if memory serves that's not his usual style.

He also gets a few facts wrong, did he even visit the site?

MURANO, 37 GROSVENOR ST., 38 GRENVILLE ST.: This two-towered glass-and-steel project marks a handsome addition to the indifferent streetscape that Bay has become. The smaller of the two towers, at 35 storeys, is the one to the south. Its twin, to the south and not quite finished, is slightly taller at 41 storeys. A three-floor glass podium connects the two. It's what we see walking past; and like so much contemporary architecture, the emphasis is on transparency. The only exception is the strip of coloured flower-pattern glass that extends along the top of the podium. It contrasts nicely with the clear glass found every else on these tall rectangular facades.

It's a concrete and glass building, not glass and steel, the south tower is the taller of the two, not the north as stated (floor count is wrong too but that's minor) and the art component is tree branches, not flower-patterned glass.

On an unrelated matter, the concrete sidewalks have all been poured now except a section near the curb which may be for trees. Finally, there are eight planter "boxes" (the standard concrete forms) in front of the retail areas between Grosvenor & Grenville Sts.
From King's Court

I get the structure is built from reinforced concrete but it's entirely covered in glass and alunimum except at streetlevel. I don't know but, glass and steel makes more sense than concrete and glass.
Street Level Update - Aug 22-09

Murano from north to south

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Street level pano -

Thanks for the pics HiRiser (nice view) and TorontoGeek.

I'm not really digging the pool roof. I think they coulda just went with a bigger patio/garden area instead of that roof taking up most of the current patio.

The work along Bay Street looks good though...
Sunrise, Sept 1st

From above, 6am Sept. 1

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Here's a shot of Murano North i took a couple weeks ago...



Here's another shot I took a couple weeks ago from the Varsity Standium... Amazing views but to bad it was smoggy...


And below a shot of the financial district skyline with the Ritz and RBC...


Peace :)
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