IMO, this place will be an extension of University of Toronto's Residence, but privately owned :D

you just wait and see! :)
778 sq ft as maximum size is unfortunate. Is 800 sq foot even big enough for two people, much less two people and a cat and/or kid? We looked at renting 2 bedroom and 2+1den condos around town, but couldn't envision how to make it work comfortably with less than 900 sq ft. I'm sure other people can, but we couldn't.
Ponyboy, how much space you "need" to live in mostly depends on what you are used to and therefore your expectations. It's an obvious point, but there are lots of places in the world where a family of 4 would be very happy to have 700 sf to themselves. I lived in a 550 sf bachelor apt with my partner for 2 years and it really made us work through our "roomate" issues with great results :) When you can't escape each other, you have no other choice.

Whenever I visit New York City, I'm reminded that you can do so much with so little space with good design and ingenuity, and also that having less private space can be okay if you have so much public space and amenities to enjoy like in many cities. As with money, I think the square footage issue might be best approached by reducing needs and accomplishing more with what we already have as opposed to always trying to get more. We humans aren't usually satisfied, no matter how much we have, as the next little bit more seems like it would solve all of our problems. Just human nature IMO.
At $500-600 per sq ft, I hardly think they will become dorms. Perhaps as a piede tiers for some or furnished suites for business men.
I agree with Pony Boy, for me 778 sq ft for two people is a bit small, although I presently rent a one bedroom 700 sq ft apt I share with a cat and partner and have managed we are moving to a two bedroom 1000 sq ft space in June.
Yes, you can make do with what you have to depending on your finances and what you are used to. Compared to most N. Americans we city dwellers are living in much smaller spaces than our suburban dwellers already.
The square footage in most of these new buildings are a bit extreme for most, unless you are used to living in countries that West End Boy mentions where they are used to living in closets, or in NY where the same apartment will cost you double what it is here.
I am wondering, would the people behind "savestnick" go out and fight other developers in similar situations elsewhere, or do nothing else like that, so proving that it was NIMBY.
Who says they wouldn't? And if not due to whatever personal circumstance, who says they don't have a "bigger picture" in mind? You might as well argue that all such crusades are inherently NIMBY--but arguably, who better to advance the cause than a local? And conversely, who's to say that outsiders aren't joining/supporting their fight?

Sort of like with the 7 Austin Terrace situation--the local, uh, "NIMBY ratepayers" fueled the crusade, yet it struck a much broader chord...
All recent "preview" events have been well attended by Chinese brokers. Reve, X2, etc. The issue was discussed at lengtht in the x2 thread. Many of these brokers buy and then assign the units fairly quickly. But generally developers look at the asian brokers as their go-to people to kick start sales on projects. Its better to go to general sales with a fair amount of sales in the bag...
Preview Brochure

Here's the info I got on Nicholas Residences ... enjoy :)

Click to Enlarge
Oh dear GAWD! Condos are getting smaller and smaller! The nerve of calling that a DEN in the one bedroom unit known as The Birch. They used to call that "a desk in a hallway".
Excellent post, thank you Solaris for providing the building information & floorplans. I thought some of the suites would be larger, where are the premium plans that are "up to one million"? As is, they are compact units but sadly underwhelming. This will sell like hotcakes for investors as they are perfect as rentals for U of T'ers. Hopefully the building will turn out well, the rendering is encouraging.
indeed I agree the units are generally small ... but that simply appears to be the trend in TO nowadays ~

layout wise, I'm quite impressed with the floorplans though ... they are small units that are quite cleverly laid out with efficient use of space and maximizes the benefit of curtain wall windows ....

dt ... I think you are right on the ball, probably the 'penthouse collection' suites have yet to be released
Pretty unbelievable. 10x12 master bedrooms in a two bedroom condo. 709 sq. ft. two bedrooms. Calling these shoeboxes would be an understatement.
Thank you so much Solaris!!!

What a chic project... it's far more refined and upscale than I was expecting. This just became one of the most interesting projects IMO.
dt ... I think you are right on the ball, probably the 'penthouse collection' suites have yet to be released

I thought that at first too but it's a 29 storey project (I confirmed this in the planning report) and I noticed that the plans indicate floors 5-29, below that appears to be lobby & amenities.
