I'm new to the condo world, what is 'precast'?

Pre-formed concrete panels that serve as a cladding or accent material on buildings. Sometimes it looks ok, as an accent, but often it creates vacuous nightmares (see: Uptown Condos). Precast can also be formed with patterns to mimic brick, or in the most obnoxious cases, classical detailing.

As you can see, I also hate precast.
from today




Although this building is quite decent by modern GTA standards, it's interesting how downright dull it looks compared to a standard c.1900 home. The roof in particular looks awkward, and some of the materials are lacking in interesting textures. Red brick surely would've been the better choice.

Still, not a bad location for the old (white) folks to live, eh?
What the #@$%@ is wrong with you? You start off with some reasonable comments (whether or not I agree is not important), and then you feel a need to drop both "the old" and "(white)" in there? What is that supposed to accomplish? Your bigotry against anyone you see as not as hip nor as young as yourself turns you into a smug, smirking fool. Grow up, narcissist.
I'm old enough to know we're all getting older...duh! It's more of an observation based on the realities of PC--it's mostly white, and the condos are divided between the 30somethings and the 50+ crowd; big deal. The English have got to have their ghetto too!
Although this building is quite decent by modern GTA standards, it's interesting how downright dull it looks compared to a standard c.1900 home.

I think the grey, gloomy winter weather has an effect. Let's wait until spring before making final judgment.
doesn't look like they've done much to the exteriors the past 2 months, esp the future retail on the corner
Beautiful building. Lucky people living in there. If you face east or south, your views would be amazing.
Beautiful building. Lucky people living in there. If you face east or south, your views would be amazing.

Yes indeed, one of my favourites! The size of the units, although a bit pricey but worth it, are pretty decent as well. For example, there are 1 bedrooms upwards to 900+ sq and 2 bedrooms upwards to 2300 sq many of which have some sweet layouts. Fantastic neighbourhood as well!
