^^ There's definitely conflicting information when you consider The Star's article and the original committee of adjustment notice. I'm not sure what the Star's source is or why the committee sign had originally read 65 (although I would guess it was done so in error and reflected a previous proposal). In my mind the developer's submission to the committee at 70 stories trumps anything else that would suggest a 65 storey tower.
^^ There's definitely conflicting information when you consider The Star's article and the original committee of adjustment notice. I'm not sure what the Star's source is or why the committee sign had originally read 65 (although I would guess it was done so in error and reflected a previous proposal). In my mind the developer's submission to the committee at 70 stories trumps anything else that would suggest a 65 storey tower.

Signs for committee of adjustment for a project of this calibre (or for any project for that matter) are not taken lightly. The posting of these signs is mandatory, the size of the sign is predetermined, they must be erected a minimum amount of time before the hearing and they are checked by the city for compliance - so I don’t think that was an error.

I would prefer to believe this is going to be at least 70 storeys but for all I search I cannot find any convincing information that would have me believe the height of this building has been increased to 70 storeys – other than hearsay.

I remain hopeful that someone can prove me wrong but it looks like we won’t really know until the sales centre opens.
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Signs for committee of adjustment for a project of this calibre (or for any project for that matter) are not taken lightly. The posting of these signs is mandatory, the size of the sign is predetermined, they must be erected a minimum amount of time before the hearing and they are checked by the city for compliance - so I don’t think that was an error.

I would prefer to believe this is going to be at least 70 storeys but for all I search I cannot find any convincing information that would have me believe the height of this building has been increased to 70 storeys – other than hearsay.

I remain hopeful that someone can prove me wrong but it looks like we won’t really know until the sales centre opens.

I suppose we'll find out one way or another soon enough. In fairness I'm basing this on hearsay as well from those that attended at the CoA (granted they are also directly involved with the project). And while your right that there are a number of requirements in posting notice, mistakes do happen and the 65 stories was ultimately changed back to 70 on the sign.

In my mind, the 70 stories is still confirmed (I'll stake my internet reputation on it :D)
Oh man, I swear this site is cursed!!! For how many years now (12+?) have there been proposals to be build something at this intersection only to have it not materialize for one reason or another. When finally we rose above that, there's a see-saw of how many floors it'll be. Just like most here, I wish it turns out to be 70 stories, however, with the way Toronto generally works (mostly mediocre with a dash of exceptionally good offset by a hint of utterly disappointing), I have a feeling we'll end up with a 65 storey tower. :(

I hope I'm wrong! To be honest, it is so easy to sell enough units for a 70 storey tower here - for crying out loud, just get the damn thing built! Really! All units will be sold when people see the fact that something is actually getting built on this god-forsaken site! Argh! Not to mention it'll be at least 2015 before this thing will be fully built and occupied. 1/4 of an average person's life (nearly 20 years) will have passed by in the duration from when something was first proposed for this site and when something will finally be occupied here.
^ I agree with most of what you said, however, I believe that if GG wanted 70 or even 75 storeys, they would get it on this site without a fight. My big concern on this site is GG - do they have the gonads to build something that big? This would require some degree of risk taking by a company that doesn’t take risks.
I'll say that it's a big mistake to build anything under 1000 foot for this location, to bad, what a lost opportunity,...As far as i'm concerned GG are small potatoes, where is Cadilac Fairview, Brookfield or even Oxford when you need them.
agreed, this site is cursed and i think i'm going to lose 10 dollars to my dad who says it won't be built.... i'm getting nervous

The latest incarnation of this project launched very recently. The impatience on this board is staggering.
I'll say that it's a big mistake to build anything under 1000 foot for this location, to bad, what a lost opportunity,...As far as i'm concerned GG are small potatoes, where is Cadilac Fairview, Brookfield or even Oxford when you need them.

They are too busy building 600 footers in the downtown core.

I don't quite understand how not building supertall is a big mistake. A building that tall wouldn't do the midtown skyline any favours. On the other side of the coin, I'm also sure GG has crunch the numbers more the once. Maybe if they paid $100 million for the site ... they would be some sense to building that tall.
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A building that tall wouldn't do the midtown skyline any favours.

What are you talking about maestro...its ok to build them at 850 feet but not at 1000 :confused: this isnt Hamilton or Winnipeg where if you build a taller tower than average it will look awkward on the skyline.
Well there's this idea that an extremely tall tower makes everything around it look small in comparison. Funny, but there you have it. As for me, I would agree that this is just about the best site in the city for a super tall.
