On that pic Uptown looks amazing...puzzles me how so many people hate the design.

I don't think its the design in particluar that people hate, its more so the finishes.
The precast just doesn't look all that good and theres just way too much of it. And yes (to those who hate it) precast can look good, really good in fact e.g. One St. Thomas, the Florain.
Uptown should of taken some design cues from West Habour Castle. The precast is simluar but its not overwhelming with thinner bands and no blank walls. They also incoperated many minor details which combinded make it much more interesting than Uptown imo.
The Uptown is tall and slender and if thats enough for someone then naturally it would seem as though there is nothing wrong with it. Personally, I see it as a flawed faux art-deco building. I'd still take it over many of the glass boxes going up, but I completely understand why other people don't like it.
The precast is so plain and featureless that it looks like an unfinished building shell, filled in with windows. It's absolutely horrid, and defending it suggests low architectural standards. Regardless of one's take on the style (faux-Deco/Historicism/PoMo or whatever), it's just a plain bad example of whatever it's trying to be. Just the statement that it looks great in the background and when you're not focusing on it should be a flag that it's mediocre at best, and not worthy of closer examination.

Anyway, this thread is about 1BE, so I apologize. It's great to see things really starting to happen here.
Indeed, the finish on Uptown looks like the ceiling of my parents old rec-room. Maybe city smog will tint it to something more organic and variegated
When i saw the hoarding my body shuttered with pleasure , my knees buckled and i fell to the ground like a silly fool!

my god this site is gonna be amazing, when this tower rises i may just cream my jeans!
Im with ya!!

When i saw the hoarding my body shuttered with pleasure , my knees buckled and i fell to the ground like a silly fool!

my god this site is gonna be amazing, when this tower rises i may just cream my jeans!

This is gonna be exciting, measured by 149 pages of activity and still no shovel in the ground Is that a record??
All this excitement, and they still haven't put a shovel in the ground yet. It's beginning to loose it's sparkle as other exciting projects actually begin construction.
Even the latest rumors are starting to feel more like reality than 1Bloor. We'll all feel better when it finally gets started, but jeez, it's still only a parking lot for
big kids toys.
I wonder what they are going to do with the TTC access that goes through the site? Maybe a handing bridge?

The whole thing seems to be a joke :mad:
