I hope this project actually happens. If it does materialize I'm guessing it'll be fall 2016 before it's all done.
Um yes, you are the textbook definition of a troll. This project has nearly completed excavation, has foundations and a crane base installed and you're suggesting it might all the sudden stop. You're simply trying to get a rise out of people.
Um yes, you are the textbook definition of a troll. This project has nearly completed excavation, has foundations and a crane base installed and you're suggesting it might all the sudden stop. You're simply trying to get a rise out of people.

Not trying to be antagonistic here, but why did you first jump to the conclusion that he's a troll rather than entertain the possibility that he just isn't aware of how it all works?
They are showing the original Bazis development, because that envelope was approved. The planned building is shorter. Minto sees the approved height as more significant.
AFAIK, currently One Bloor is 233.84m to the top of the 75th floor. Not sure if the height of the mechanical penthouse has been settled yet. Last time I talked with HP the equipment to be contained up top had not been finalized yet.

Not trying to be antagonistic here, but why did you first jump to the conclusion that he's a troll rather than entertain the possibility that he just isn't aware of how it all works?

Thank you! To be quite honest, I am not sure how this works at all. I see some projects move so fast then others seem to stall out. I know this project was cancelled before and scaled down from the original plan. Hey, I want this tower just as much as anyone else here, I just want to make sure it's happening.
Excavations, especially ones this deep, and ones this close to the subway (it runs just to the east), take a long time. They also cost a lot of money, and that alone should be proof that a company with the intention to recoup their expenses by finishing, is investing heavily in this project… but the heart of your concern is how long this excavation is taking. Like I've already said in that regard, you don't have to worry. The time being taken here is safely within norms. Now that they've reached bottom on some of the site, you'll soon see the hole fill up. It'll probably take half a year to get back to the surface, if not even slightly longer. Don't sweat it!

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