Wow, the actual glass is curved! Can't think of another condo in the city with even a single piece of curved glass.

Yes, it is really nice to see. Hopefully we'll see more condos using high-end materials like this in the future.

Likewise, I can't think of another condo with curved panels, especially through a full 90 degrees. Jack Diamond's Bridge (SMH) has curved glass panels, as does the new Sick Kids Research Building.
Other examples:

HP - Schulich School of Business, upcoming 7 St. Thomas
Adamson - Mars Phase I
Shim + Sutcliffe - 2 O'Connor Dr., Integral House
Gehry - AGO staircase, Thompson Ship Gallery display cases.

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Wow, very exciting stuff. And yes--seconded on the poster above: I'm assuming that the podium will open before it tops out, or?
Apprehension gone, excitement growing. Really looking forward to seeing more glass!
Curious, looking at the retail layouts and P1, P2...did they leave any option to connect in the future underground either to the north (i.e. into the bay) or to the west (assuming at some point whatever replaces Stollery's will connect north across bloor into the "path" system...

I guess technically it looks like it connects to the subway via the building to the east, but there would be no way to get across to the food court etc. without paying a fare...

I would assume as well that they would eventually have to connect into buildings to the south of I remembering wrong or is it mandated that they have to make those connections between front and bloor if and when they can...I thought I remembered some laws being passed about that back in the Miller years...
^ I agree the glass is fantastic and the curve is so perfect and smooth never seen one like this.
Funny how a piece of curved glass gets us all so excited. Recently, Ryerson's outrageously incredible glass and now this. But seriously, it is indeed an exciting time with the volume of projects that have such potential, or that have & are turning out really well - not to mention those yet to begin. Some developers are really stepping it up, and that's exciting.
That looks great, the curved glass looks amazing. Thanks for posting those updated photos.
27 April 2014




