The lights on the One Bloor walkways must be giving people seizures today. Also, the second crane was dismantled and taken away on 2 trucks this morning.

No they dont, one thing for sure it will be shorter, hehe
.... as much as i like One Bloor East, id hate to imagine that in 20 years it will be the tallest thing standing in that Bloor/Yonge area

C'mon now, don't you think maybe your getting a little spoiled? I mean it wasn't even 6 years ago that this area had one building taller than 500ft and just barely. Not only that but it was the tallest building in that area for over 30 years! Today we have 3 over 500ft, with 5 more under construction and another 6 proposed over 500ft, 3 of which are planned to be over 700ft! plus One Bloor. The density and height in this area has gone way up and makes up for the lack of development over the previous 30 years. The work of art that is One Bloor will surpassed the previous tallest by a whopping 300ft and the current tallest by almost 200ft. Not only that but because of the ground level elevation at the site it will appear taller than Aura and almost as tall as FCP.

So I for one definitely won't mind seeing this future icon define the Yorkville skyline for a long time to come.
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I think it's great that this area is developing, whether that means getting taller or not. I do hope we don't lose too much office space in this part of town.
I like this tower, but I wonder if it will look out of place. There aren't very many large towers planned for this area that are real solid proposals.

TD Centre looked out of place when it first went up, but you have to start somewhere. Besides it would be a colossal waste not to capitalize on this lot fully. Even if nothing else goes up here for another 40 years, it was the right scale to build. Yonge/Bloor needed an anchor building.
TD Centre looked out of place when it first went up, but you have to start somewhere. Besides it would be a colossal waste not to capitalize on this lot fully. Even if nothing else goes up here for another 40 years, it was the right scale to build. Yonge/Bloor needed an anchor building.

I agree completely. Hopefully all of these new proposals help to round out the area and give it a variety of heights. This is a good place to build tall.
With the glass going up, all I can think of is that this building is a stream of water being poured out of a giant water bottle onto the street, flowing and curving naturally on its own. Absolutely magnificent.
C'mon now, don't you think maybe your getting a little spoiled? I mean it wasn't even 6 years ago that this area had one building taller than 500ft and just barely. Not only that but it was the tallest building in that area for over 30 years! Today we have 3 over 500ft, with 5 more under construction and another 6 proposed over 500ft, 3 of which are planned to be over 700ft! plus One Bloor. The density and height in this area has gone way up and makes up for the lack of development over the previous 30 years. The work of art that is One Bloor will surpassed the previous tallest by a whopping 300ft and the current tallest by almost 200ft. Not only that but because of the ground level elevation at the site it will appear taller than Aura and almost as tall as FCP.

So I for one definitely won't mind seeing this future icon define the Yorkville skyline for a long time to come.

Yep, preach it sister. Exactly what I was thinking.
Aura sits on an elevation roughly 10 meters above FCP, meaning it is roughly 10 meters shorter from a distance. One Bloor sits roughly a further 20 meters above Aura, meaning one bloor will appear to be roughly equal with Aura.

Compared to FCP, Aura looks like 282 meters, and One Bloor looks like 283 meters.
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Minor quibble, but I believe you underestimated One Bloor's height by 4 meters. The databases (UT, SSP) have it at 844ft/257.2 meters. Which would make it approx. 287 meters relative to FCP. Unless that was changed when the slant was removed?
257.2 m is the height given to us after the slant was removed.

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I still find it somewhat surprising that we still don't have an updated artist rendering considering the tower is now 10 stories taller. This changes the height of the building quite dramatically and would be noticeable in a rendering.
What's the need for it though? A rendering is used primarily for marketing the building for sales - and I don't think they need that here anymore.
What's the need for it though? A rendering is used primarily for marketing the building for sales - and I don't think they need that here anymore.

Yeah that's very true. There isn't a real pressing need for one at all. But I just thought the developer would want a rendering that is always 100% up to date with the current reality of the project. I know this does cost money though, so I can understand why they haven't bothered.
