But Bazis was never able to get the approval for 80 and it seemed like that was a couple years of waiting.

Yes they did. This By-law indicates a maximum height of 265.45 metres to the top of the main roof, 279 metres to the top of the mechanical roof, and 290 metres to the top of the fins. Generally speaking, it's about 3 metres per floor. Add in some extra height to the podium, hotel floors and some upper levels and it's 80 storeys. It appears Great Gulf is using the same zoning envelope that Bazis got approved.
It appears Great Gulf is using the same zoning envelope that Bazis got approved.

mind you ... the Zoning By-law that Bazis got approvals and put in place established the "maximum" building height, which means Great Gulf is well within their rights to and can very well build below that threshold ~
mind you ... the Zoning By-law that Bazis got approvals and put in place established the "maximum" building height, which means Great Gulf is well within their rights to and can very well build below that threshold ~

Ya, I know about the "maximum", I wrote it down. I never said they were going to build to 80 storeys, I pointed out they are allowed to build to ~ 80 storeys in response to DaninToronto's comment. GG could build 28 storeys if that's what they chose to do, provided it's within the already established envelope.
These units were put on site yesterday

I love Great Gulf (actually used to work for them to be entirely transparent) but I just hate the hideous marketing scheme for One Bloor. Gahhh...
Wow, good eye!
It's probably the transformer and power equipment to operate the tower crane.
Very exciting news that the generators are onsite for the construction offices and cranes. I guess by the time they open sales to the public, there may not be much stockunits left there. They'll likely increase the hieght of the tower, and move the sales presenation offices to the Xerox Building next door. Otherwise sales might not be going on too long. So as I was saying, very exciting times on Bloor Street...
